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It's been a month since King Jinka's fall and Hinowa's recognition as Ruler of the new territory that was once Tsutsuji. News was spreading fast throughout Wakoku and the People of New Soukai were in the greatest of moods. Thanks to Rugyou's and Mekira's variety of talent and knowledge, production has been at its highest and evenly distributed amongst the different branches of Soukai's development and seeing an opening for trade in the weeks to come after negotiations. The military, police force, and the spy network are also gradually growing stronger day by day thanks to the defected Tsutsuji Generals, Tobari, Kumehachi, Commander (Y/N) and the new addition Dairoku, security and the defense of their newly found territory has been at an all time high especially proven when a group of pirates tried to raid their ports In the east only to be intercepted by Their vigilant Corp and their newest member Dairoku who easily repel the pirates driving them back to the sea who were being followed by (Y/N) and the Sudden Drifter that laid waste to their island ships and crew who didn't want to surrender; this forfeited their treasures to (Y/N) and the Soukai Nation.

Of course the good doesn't come without their problems. Unfortunately there were three smaller nations that had tight relationships with Jinka and Gouma and wanted to avenge them by launching coordinated attacks and taking out Hinowa. Unfortunately for them two of Soukai's brilliant minds had prepared for such an occasion. (Y/N) and Rugyou had spies that (Y/N) had personally trained to alert them of any movement other nations would make towards them. Thanks to this (Y/N) was able to intercept their ships in the open sea using Sudden Drifter to get rid of them; however the supply for the Sudden Drifter's munitions were reaching a dangerous low point where (Y/N) was considering decommissioning it due to the cost to maintain it and the money they made should be focused on other avenues; however Saiha, Rugyou, and Hinowa had convinced him to think of a different solution because as it stood getting rid of a vessel as good as the Sudden Drifter would be a horrible idea. Which proved to be so as the Ship's name had started to spread along the east much to (Y/N)'s dismay but considering the stories and how unorthodox they were; no need for him to complain.

Now one thing did seem to be clear to the Unknown's Claw user. Whether it be The Empire, The reformed Empire, Tenrou, Or Hinowa's Soukai... (Y/N) was always going to be trapped with the one thing every man of the battlefield hates... Paperwork. And yea it's not that bad... At first but with everything he is in charge of and with how busy he gets. But if there is some relief it's the joy of him "training" the others.

Hinowa's Castle, training grounds.

"This'll be a great chance to learn from (Y/N)." Dairoku said walking the halls in Hinowa's Castle.

"You sure you need the training? You're a good fighter in your own right." Athena said floating next to Dairoku with her hands behind her back.

"I mean I know how to fight as it's natural to me... I think because of whatever I did with that weapon... Regardless he is the one who beat me so if I can learn whatever I can from him I can be able to help a lot of people." Dairoku said pumping himself up.

"Makes sense to learn more to protect more people and better methods. And Athena will be here to fight alongside you! Pew pew pew!" Athena said punching the air in front of her.

"Thanks for the support now we shou- Eeeee!" Dairoku screeched as a staff pole flew and penetrated the wall next to his head.

"You're five minutes late." (Y/N) said with blindfolds on as he stood in the middle of the field with a single circle drawn around him.

"Uh Mr. (Y/N) Athena can explain-"

"C'mon stop standing there; Hinowa and the others will fill-"
"Yaaa- AHHHH!" Kumehachi screamed charging (Y/N) from behind then being tossed.
"You in." (Y/N) said as Dairoku noticed the scratches and scuffs on Hinowa and the others as they were taking deep breaths.

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