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Katori Swamps Yuugiri.

"A perfect place to train before the next battle." Gouma said with his Nodachi slung over his shoulders. The swamps here in releases a toxic fume that become lethal if exposed for too long, and hordes of Water Kappa that run rampant through the swamps.

Currently Gouma was with his squad hunting said Water Kappas. Of course for a man of Gouma's talents these imps we're small fry. And detecting one nearby; just as easy as Gouma got off solid ground into the water where he was able to stand up straight and stab his Nodachi through a hiding Imp.

"Heh I knew one was lurking about. Hey I got another one-" Gouma said before realizing his squad had been cut down by a woman with blonde hair and a long ponytail wielding two swords.


"That's Lady Tobari to you."

"This is a surprise, I didn't know you had the skills of an Assassin."

"I knew someone very skilled so I learned from her. Then I had someone help hone my skills, and thanks to him I've gained the confidence to take you head on." Tobari said as an Image of Akame and (Y/N) appeared behind her.

"Hrmph your equipment... You prepared for a battle in this swamp." Gouma said taking notice of the mask and sandals Tobari wore to protect her from fumes and to not hold back her movements.

"I knew you'd come hunting here before the battle against the Yuugiri nation. For a general you lack caution a friend of mines told me to exploit that."

"Ninjas have came for my life multiple times, I was able to cut them all down before they could get me."

"To be honest I'd preferred to exact my revenge fairly on the battlefield. However your too strong so I had no choice but to resort to assassination." Tobari said getting into a stance.

"To me everywhere is a battlefield... Don't hesitate and come at me Tobari!" Gouma said feeling excited as he slung his Nodachi over his shoulder staring down his assassin.

Even in the swamp with fumes dancing in the air the moment the air around them had came to a stand still is when Tobari had lunged first to slash at Gouma, however even with the difficult terrain the swamp gave him he was still agile enough to avoid Tobari's strike going in for a counter attack himself attempting to chop off her left arm. But thanks to her superior speed she had jumped out of harms way as Gouma's sword slammed into the water beneath them.

"My pressure spooked you so much you pulled up short didn't you?" Gouma said as a delayed cut appeared on Tobari's left shoulder showing she was grazed.

"If youd come closer I'd have chopped you clean through the shoulder."

"Whew..." Tobari sighed sticking one of her swords into the ground taking out a bag of sand like material.

"Sand to blind me?"

"No... Kappa Attractant and Repellent." Tobari said dusting it around her as several Kappas rose up looked at her then drew their attention to Gouma.

Wanting their next meal the Kappas all pounce at Gouma as he had starting cutting them down focusing his attention on the freaks noticing Tobari use the distraction to close the distance even avoiding an arrow he thought Tobari threw. Making an effort to cut everything down in one blow, however forgetting the speed Tobari had.

"Improved number Twenty-Four... Ultra Tobari Slash!" Tobari slid on the swamp mud hacking off Gouma's left foot as he fell and took an arrow through the throat.

"... There was an Archer... So your initial reckless attack was to lay in the ground work for a surprise attack." Gouma said looking at the exhausted and injured Tobari who held her arm as her cut wound was worse than she thought all the while a man was high in the trees at sniper position.

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