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"So we get off at Jinwa and follow this trail?" Akame asked her husband looking over maps and Rongo Rongo in their quarters on the ship.

"Yup of course from Jinwa We'll have to cross these territories then We'll find the Cave... Is something wrong Akame? Oh no..." (Y/N) asked taking noticed of the marks starting to appear on her shoulders.

"Yea the marks are starting to slowly appear again... I know they won't kill me but it'll definitely stop me from performing well..." 

"I see Let me get-"

"NO!... I'm sorry but I can't let you after...."

"I understand... But I'm going to keep using it to help you if it gets out of hand... I've been getting stronger with it so whenever the time comes I won't fail you Akame." (Y/N) said holding her cheek as she looked at him with a sad yet happy smile as she looked at him about to kiss him.

"Where... Where am I?" Akame asked noticing she wasn't in her husbands arms anymore as she found herself in a black void.

"Akame..." (Y/N) called out to her appearing behind her not moving an inch

"(Y/N) thank goodness I thought I lost you... why are you wearing that Helmet? take it off..." As Akame Walked up to her husband she didn't notice him still as a pole only for her to get closer and closer touching his helmet where he then grabbed her wrists making Akame a bit worried as she knew the touch of her husband's hands; when they had their usual gloves on they we're gentle yet strong. However they feel of his hands we're different even though the gloves were on they weren't gentle nor strong it felt as if a skeleton grabbed her wrist with one hand the other hand was too soft and gripped too tight which sent chills down her spine especially when (Y/N) pushed her wrist up while she held his helmet  slowly revealing his face little by little as Akame tried to pull away to escape the horror she was witnessing.

"Akame... WHY DID YOU LET ME DIE?" (Y/N) said in a gurgle horror voice as his revealed face show a decomposed head with rotten flesh patches on it, jaw broken, and his Eye Sockets were empty as the Kanji "Shi" appear in a bright red color in both eye sockets as Akame struggled out of his grasps as she didn't know what was happening.

"(Y/N)... Please... You.. You... Can't... Be... De-!" 

"(Y/N)!..." Akame yelled out heavily breathing calming herself down after watching the horrifying image of her Husband Lunge at her in her Nightmares. 

"That was just a nightmare... I hope he's... I'm sure he's ok he has to be..." Akame thought to herself taking notice that she had her wounds taken care of and was in what appeared to be a yukata though sleeveless in her usual black, white, and red coloring as the room she was in looked foreign to her yet held a sense of peace and quiet however she did hear what sounded like two people training with wooden swords so in her curiosity and high hopes she went to see the commotion outside.

"Oh you want to go again hinowa? ok Im ready when yo- Oh hey welcome back to the land of the living!" the girl with the long ponytail said to Akame as she looked at them.

"You two were the ones who treated my wounds?"

"Yup you were out for three days don't move around too much ok? I'm Hinowa, and this girl is Tobari." The girl with the light blue headband and red hair said to her as they made their way to Akame.

"I see Thank you both for saving me you have my gratitude... I'm Akame its nice to meet you... Tell me did you two find anyone else other than me?"

"No you were washed ashore I assume because of that storm a couple of days ago a lot of boats were destroyed from what we saw... Your the only survivor we've seen." Hinowa said as Akame looked down a bit sad.

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