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"A wedding now Hinowa?" Tobari asked her friend as they cams out of a tailor shop on their island.

"For Akame and (Y/N). I figured it only be right for them. But I want it to be a surprise! So that means making plans right now and figuring out a way to separate them til we're ready." Hinowa said looking at the few vendors their island had to offer.

"Huh. So how exactly are you going to separate them? Whenever it's a free day for us all they are usually spending time together. Like now." Tobari said pointing to the couple in the distance watching (Y/N) hand feeding Akame Dangos.

"I see your point... Oh I got it!"


"From what the fishermen have told me there's a short supply of fish lately."

"Well the river here can only provide so much and our nets aren't exactly in top shape. And everyone can't fish like you can."

"No but maybe he can." Hinowa said pointing to (Y/N) as she made her way to the couple.


"Its a beautiful day today." (Y/N) said holding Akame close to him as she rested her head on his shoulder both looking towards the clear blue sky having a tree provide nice cooling shade over them.

"Sure is. Kinda makes you forget we're in a war huh?"

"Yep... Hey Akame your worried about him aren't you?" (Y/N) ask calmly watching his beloved wife's face turn quickly to a worried face.

"(Y/N) I... Yea I'm worried about him... There was a time I wanted to look for him to make sure was safe but I never would've imagined he would be here... I-"

"You want to go to Tenrou and hopefully appeal to his past."

"Yes... I don't wan-" Cutting her off was (Y/N) gently kissing her lips to part from it giving her a soft smile.

"I know. Just know when you leave I'll be going with you."

"No you can't! Hinowa needs you for her army."

"Akame... Look we all read the letter. And as you know there's only a handful of capable fighters who'll be in Hinowa's army but despite being tutored, and trained by me. She's still inexperienced. The reality is she has great potential to be a leader her people needs but that lack of experience will get her and her followers killed. She needs time, patience, and knowledge of all Wakoku to achieve her goal." (Y/N) said looking at his dango leaving Akame mesmerized by him as he looked like a wise man sharing his concern.

"Even so... (Y/N) we're family and she'll need your support much like how I need yours and you need mine; when I washed ashore in Soukai there was a possibility I wouldn't been able to see you again... Hinowa lifted my worried and sad spirits up until Yomihime had told me you were alive... You and Hinowa are my family too (Y/N) knowing you two will be side by side will make me happy." Akame said looking at him with her famous smile that always sway his heart.

"I maybe in your words "the smartest man in the world" but your always right aren't you?"

"I am your wife." Akame said leaning on her husband resting her head on his shoulder.

"What did I do to deserve you?"

"That's a long list honey." Akame said making the couple laugh til Hinowa showed up with Tobari.

"Hey Akame mind if I borrow Cuz for a second? It's very important." Hinowa asked as the couple looked at each other and shrugged.

"What did you need Hinowa?"

Journey for a Cure (Akame x M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now