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"Miss Shikome, please escort Akira's friends to the guest building. I need a moment alone with Akira." Volk Altius said to the servant as she had bowed to him in response.

"Yes milord... Right this way." The woman with Black hair and Crimson eyes said gesturing (Y/N) and Dairoku to follow her.

"Hey is something wrong with Master (Y/N)?" Athena asked as she and Dairoku noticed the shocked look on his face.

"Hey Commander (Y/N) are you ok?" Dairoku asked whispering in his ear.

"Y-yea... We thank you for your hospitality Lord Altius." (Y/N) bowed as Dairoku followed suit as well soon leaving and following the maid.

"I'll come check up on you guys later..." Akira said as he was now face to face with Volt Altius... Kaguya's father.

"I know you completed a request from my daughter... I know you already told me but remind me again... I thought Queen Hinowa was supposed to be in their place was she not?" Volk said crossing his arms the moment they had fully left the room.

"She needed to attend some civil matters but Lord (Y/N) is her representative and a member of her family. He may be playing the part of a harmless man but he is anything but harmless... It'll be best not to upset or threaten him." Akira said with a straight face surprising Volk.

"I see... And is their claim true that they'll be able to heal my daughter?" Volk asked rubbing his chin.

"They haven't lied to me so far. If only we can get (Y/N) to Lady Shogun then I'm sure whatever they have will cure her." Akira said with confidence in his voice. "We just need to see your daughter."

"We're it so easy... Your bastard half sister Akane Kosaka was always the manipulative type like your father... And now that she has new found Authority... It's been a mess these past few days." Volk said rubbing the back of his head.

"I'm surprised my Father would give an illegitimate child such power."

"Hm. As you know the Makabe Commission has been growing rapidly in power and according to them the Shogun is refusing to see anyone... Not only that Kazuya has gone missing which makes matter that much harder especially when we have been having disappearances with the Yoshiyuki Commission." Volk said as bags were now being visible under his eyes showing Akira the stress he's under.

"Disappearances? What has the police force dis-"

"The Police forces have been driven to the front lines... The Altius Presence in the City and all over Murasame is dwindling fast... And it's becoming clear your father is behind it..." Volk said lowering his voice.

"I know how har-"

"No I wouldn't doubt it after all a snake steals a den whenever it can... Only problem is that we not only need clear evidence... But we need Lady Shogun to be in public so she can rally the citizens." Akira said clenching his fists on his lap.

"Yes... Actually right now... I need you to go to the front lines. And start collecting souls..."

"I'm sorry?"

"The Tenrou Nation is pushing into our territory hard and with the Ice wall you made we were able to keep them at bay, and now the Sankai Nation is sending troops to attack us from the North aiding Tenrou." Volk said as Akira's eyes filled with shock as Volk for the next half an hour filled Akira in with the reports on their war with Tenrou.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready to fight Amateru... But send me against Sankai... And their souls will be enough for me to put up a fight against her." Akira said as his eyes had a cold glare to them.

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