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"Best of three (Y/N)?" Akame asked as she had her husband on his back while she sat on his stomach holding a wooden sword on his neck.

"Maybe... I kinda don't want to get up from this position after all." (Y/N) said with a smile wrapping his arms around her waist as she leaned down closer to his face where only their noses touched each other.

"This is our favorite position after all." Akame said in a calm tone placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Uh... Guys..." Hinowa said as she and the rest of Elder class looked at the couple awkwardly.

"Oh... I... Said that out loud huh?..." Akame asked sitting up hiding her bright blush.

"Yea... Sorry guys... Since your here I take it we're ready to depart for Saryu?" (Y/N) asked with a slight blush on his face as well standing up holding his wife's hand.

"Yup we came to get you both Saiha's ship is leaving soon." Hinowa said handing her cousin his helmet.

"Ok. Let's go." (Y/N) said putting his helmet on reflecting their image.

"Hey Shrimp!" Najasho said to (Y/N) as the young boy was resting on a tree near the abandoned church.

"Hm? What's up Najasho?" (Y/N) asked hanging upside down from a tree.

"Akame told me you've been improving your martial arts and many of your Assassination techniques with Budo. I want to see for myself."

"I'll pass."

"The hell you wi- Ah!" Najasho yelled out falling into a hole.

"I had a feeling you wanted to test me so I decided to do the same. Surprise Surprise you failed."

"Damn it... Well I'm not leaving without a fight."

"Your going to have to catch me for that to happen my friend." (Y/N) said vanishing into thin air.

"Damn you come here!" Najasho said running into the Forrest forgetting to sense (Y/N)'s presence as he was on top of the church watching the Elite seven's leader run into the Forrest.

"He's a trip to mess with."

"Who the Captain?"

"AH AKAMMMEEEE! OW!" (Y/N) screamed as he fell through the unstable roof of the church.

"Aha I found you!"

"Hang in there (Y/N) you can win!" Akame said smiling at him.

"Wait a minute I said I di- hey watch it!" (Y/N) said dodging Najasho's strike disarming the water dragon sword out of his hands.

"Ok then fist to fist!"

"Lord help me..."

"Hey boss where are you did you find (Y/N) yet?! Oh he did Hey Green, Tsukushi, Everyone quick the boss and (Y/N) are going to spar fist to fist!" Pony said as the rest of Elite Seven and the two newest members of Deaths hand came by to watch.

"STOP INSTIGATING THIS MESS!... HEY WATCH IT!" (Y/N) yelled out blocking a few of Najasho's strikes getting him away from a distance.

"C'mon (Y/N) I have millions of faith that you'll win!" Akame said out loud through everyone's cheering as the boy in what seemed like time had stopped looked over to the girl with crimson eye's looking at her small smile with a slight blush leaving him at a trance.

"Akame... I-"

"HEY FOCUS!" Najasho said landing a mean right hook on (Y/N)'s cheek.

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