Murasame Revolt (Akira)

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Dedicated to TheOneCutKiller OC Akira.


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"I'll ask again, Akira Makabe please accept my offer and join Tenrou on Lord Zuou's journey for peace across Wakoku." Amateru said drawing her Scythe.

"Amateru of Tenrou... I refuse to join the ranks of the Tenrou Nation." Akira said drawing his sword.

"Are you certain about this Akira? Are you willing to challenge God's bride? You didn't fare so well last time. And I see you don't have that worthless key anymore." Amateru smiled, walking up slowly.

"I'm disappointed sir Akira. Especially now since whatever shadow had grasped your heart before is now gone. It's a shame really you would've made an incredible Ten Stars." Amateru said as a chilling wind blew through the area sending chills down Akira's spine, surprising even him.

"Her presence is more frightening than before... It's evident that she doesn't take her powers for granted... This'll be very bad..." Akira thought to himself while getting into a stance.

"Never overestimate or underestimate your opponent. You need to find that fine line in-between that'll help you achieve victory." A voice said in Akira's head making him smile slightly
"Hah... Ok Shadow... Let's put your teachings to use... First those metal beasts." Akira said, looking at the Metal contraptions that slowly drove past Amateru.

Even though he was injured the Manablood of Ice knew what he had to do and the risks of it. Reacting as fast as he could when he saw Amateru take a step he summoned five giant icicle lances that flew towards Tenrou's advancing line. The Icicle Lances had destroyed three out of the five tanks he saw and aimed for, though one of the tanks surprisingly reacted quickly and spewed a high powered flame from its turret melting the ice and minimizing the damage to it. All the while Amateru swung her scythe once and the Icicle Lance that headed for a tank behind her had been sliced into millions of small ice cubes, scattered everywhere and shattering on the ground and Amateru's surrounding area.

"Oh my~ you certainly learned from our last encounter." Amateru disappeared in the wind and suddenly appeared in front of him.


"Hm Mhm, let's see how much you've grown." Amateru said as her eyes were closed the entire time, surprising Akira of her sudden reappearance. Without a second thought Akira quickly drew his sword in an attempt to slice Amateru's head only for her to jump and land on the tip of Akira's sword.

"That was slower than last time... Oh I see, you're injured and yet you're brave enough to stand against us by yourself. If I wasn't already God's bride I would've had a crush on you." Amateru said before she swung her scythe at Akira's head making him dodge to the ground and roll away from her only to see Amateru quickly close the distance between them as their faces were only a couple of inches away from each other.

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