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"Hah... Hah... Please... Let's go again." Tobari said as the full moon made her blonde her glow and the scratches and scuffs very clear.

"You're not going to get anywhere Tobari, not like this." (Y/N) said twirling a wooden training staff across from her as he had his helmet off.

"I have to get stronger... For the men I train and to take on Gouma!" Tobari said using her two meihous to stand up readying herself to fight.

"The old man fed you guys a special... Freak to alter your bodies to be what I'd call super human. Against normal people you're definitely stronger, however against men like me... Men like Gouma you'll never be stronger than them." (Y/N) said as his eyes were cold reminding tobari of Gouma's intimidating stare.

"You agreed to train so help get better!" Tobari said charging at (Y/N) with her dual swords trying to land a hit however only to be parried with each and every hit.

"I did however you're going at this all wrong!" (Y/N) told her, disarming her in one swing of his staff then knocking her back.

"Tch I'm not Hah!" Tobari froze as (Y/N) had stabbed the wooden staff next to her head through the rocky ground they were on.

"Not finished I know; get up we're not done." (Y/N) said catching her swords as they almost fell on him to toss them aside and get into a martial arts pose.

"Right! You know I have to get stronger! I need to beat Gouma at his own game!" Tobari said attacking (Y/N) with swift punches and kicks that with an untrained eye many would believe they were evenly matched. However that wasn't the case; (Y/N) was easily blocking and parrying her attacks with his own superior martial arts.

"He's just as skilled as Akame in martial arts but I know I can do it!" Tobari thought to herself attempting to grab him however he countered her by putting them in a grip lock.

"There's one thing you need to understand Tobari!" (Y/N) said tightening his grip on her hands that surprised her as she was trying to tighten her grip.

"Granted you are strong, Stronger than Kumehachi even. However there's only so much you can do! Even with your enhancement Women are not usually physically stronger than a man!"

"That's bull you say Akame is stronger than you!"

"That's true! However Physically..." He said forcing her down still having a tight grip. "I'm stronger! And I'm physically stronger than you as well. There's something I'm trying to teach you here CAN YOU SEE IT?!" He asked forcing her on her knees as she struggled to push him back.


"NO! WHAT I'M SAYING IS THAT YOUR TRYING TO WORK HARDER! AND NOT SMARTER!" (Y/N) yelled out kneeing her in the chest, launching her in the air as he caught her from falling by grabbing her ponytail.

"I never said you won't win because you're a woman. I just want you to know your own limitations." He said to her as he laid her on the ground sitting her up.

"My limitations... Akame taught me several things about fighting and it helped me improve my sword martial arts... Don't tell me I've reached the limits... Of my strength..." She said catching her breath.

"I'm not saying that at all. You still have a long way to go..." (Y/N) said taking his chest player off and undoing his uniform jacket off being left with pants, shoes and no shirt on.

"Do you see these right here?" (Y/N) asked Tobari as she took a good look at a lot of the scars he had on the torso.

"Woah... I never would have..."

Journey for a Cure (Akame x M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now