The Siblings

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“Get up now!” A man with Brown hair and Scarlet red eyes said holding a whip as three Children were on the ground with blood across their faces. Two of them had snow white hair while one had very short gray hair.

“M-master we can’t- Gah!” The boy with gray hair yelped after the Man kicked him and broke his nose.

“Pathetic! I was hoping you slaves could be properly trained or at least provide me with a good time!” He said with a glint and devious smile on his face as he picked the girl up by her hair and inspected her.

“Let… Her… GO!” The boy with White Hair yelled getting up with the training sword in his hands.

“Pfftt! Hahahaha! Oh Let go of my Sister! That’s classic Hahaha!” The man laughed, dropping the girl and stepped on her head ignoring the cries of the poor girl.

“Well Then… My dear, lovely Kazu… Come and take her.” The Man said with a Sadistic smile.

“Come and get her Kazu.”
“Kazu, what're waiting for? TAKE HER!”
“Dear Kazu~”
“Lovely Kazu~”
“Come and get Nozomi from me Kazu~”
“Kazu, Kazu Kazu Kazu, Kazu Kazu KazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazuKazu-”


“AH! Hah… Hah… Hah.”

“Hey It’s about time you woke up Onii-Chan.” A Young Beautiful woman with Long Snow White hair and Sapphire Blue eyes said with a smile as she handed him a small clay plate with grilled Fish, a bit of rice, and an egg.

“Oh… Thank you Nozomi… Sorry I was…"

"Having a nightmare… That's why I woke you up Kazu… Here eat, Once we clear the Mountain range, We'll officially be in Jinwa." Nozomi said sitting next to her brother with a smile as she started eating her plate.

"It's about time we have a new beginning… So what are you thinking about doing when we reach Jinwa?" Kazu asked his sister as he started eating.

"Hm… I think I'll be an Artist and Writer, But I'll find a job first before I start doing that." Nozomi said with a sweet smile.

"No need to worry about that Nozomi… There's a lot of Land available in Jinwa. With the Money we saved, perhaps we can buy a nice piece of land, I can work on it, make it into a farm, earn good money and you can do what you want to do inside the house we'll build." Kazu said, smiling at her.

"Hrmm Oh c'mon Onii-Chan! I need you to be happy too! I'll work just as hard for you to follow your dream too. After all this is a new beginning for us. It's everything we hoped for!" Nozomi said with a cute and confident smile.

"Yea it is… In that case… I think I'd want to start playing Music… Remember those Shamisen Players back in the Ritou Nation? I want to write a song." Kazu said as his sister's eyes started to sparkle.

"Ooohhhh! You should! You have a great Singing voice! Oh I can help promote it as well!" Nozomi said excitedly.

"Hehe That'll be something… Hm?" Kazu said, looking at his Katana as it glowed white for a bit then off.

"What's the matter?" Nozomi asked, looking at her Brother's gaze.

"Remember that Nice Couple we met back on Kiryu Mountain a Month ago?" Kazu asked as Nozomi shook her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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