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"So That's how you combine "freak" materials into weapons I must say its actually more simple than I thought." (Y/N) said taking notes as he watched the blacksmith make a Meihou.

"Simple?! You have weapons making experience laddie?" The smith said looking at the man with the helmet.

"I do. I made this after all, though dealing with freak materials was out of my expertise." He said activating his hidden blade then retracting it as he looked over his notes.

"Huh well now you know. You especially have have to be careful on the quenching especially with a freak's materials that are based on fire elementals."

"I see. Thank you si-"

"Just wait one moment now." The smith said looking at him as he put the Meihous he finished down.

"Those two weapons you have the presence of those weapons feel stronger than any Meihous me and my colleagues make, and they feel just as dangerous as King Zuou's Meihou." The smith said pointing to Murasame and Unknown's Claw.

"In my homeland they are called Teigus the craft of creating them has been lost for over four hundred years. These I don't know the process of making them nor fixing them but a smith did an excellent job repairing this sword of course I had all the pieces to it."

"Your shield has a crest on it that resembles the lost art of Kell."

"Kell? What can you tell me about it?" (Y/N) asked looking at the crest on his shield.

"The house of Kell gave us the basis of our craft through books we have from them. Whatever we have left of them anyways. One thing I know is the author of these books had hidden messages in them one of them was that each had hidden functions. One such function is combination though no one in Wakoku has been successful."

"Combination huh?... Why tell me this?"

"Cause I want to know who made that!... The crafts- Ah Bastard why di-"

"Just watch." (Y/N) said after throwing a knife at the Smith's leg taking it out then hovering his hand over it as his sword and shield glowed blue healing the wound.

"A weapon that can heal?! T-T-that's in heard of!"

"Yea, yea... One of a kind, and the katana on my hip can kill someone in one cut."

"You must need to kill some powerful Freaks to get them."

"Just about."

"It's official I'm coming with you!"

"Wait what?"

"I'm tired of making ordinary Meihous and if you have those weapons you can tackle powerful freaks and I can make weapons to surpass those!"

"I'd like to see you try.... What's your name?"

"My name is Ciel it'll be an honor to work along side you Commander (Y/N)."

"I take it you know what I'm planning?"

"Your weapons told me it's like a special connection I have with em' bastards, normally weapons are used for death yet when I hear yours... It sounds like hope. I dunno what yer planning but I want in and out of Tenrou."

"Well then Ciel... Welcome to the Sudden Drifter... We set sail in two hours. That's definitely surprising not what I was expecting today."

Four hours later.

"Commander look Meogi's forces has taken Shirunai Fortress!" (Y/N)'s first mate said handing him binoculars only for (Y/N) to refuse using his helmet to view the fortress from the Sudden Drifter in the ocean.

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