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"I take it they refused." King Zuou said noticing (Y/N) didn't have his helmet.

"Well it wasn't surprising to say the least what was surprising was how rude their leadership were." (Y/N) said putting his hand on his chin thinking back to the commanders of Soukai.

"And your wife how is she?"

"I didn't see her."

"Is that so? Well Commander (Y/N) get some rest as for tomorrow the Soukai nation will come to an end."

"Huh... That's what you believe."

Later that night.

"Yomihime this is a pleasant surprise and I've seen you brought Moegi." (Y/N) said sitting down as he started to clean his equipment with Tori watching on her perch.

"Well I wamted to talk to my friend some more and Moegi wanted to come for multiple reasons." Yomihime said with a smile as she sat across him watching him clean as Moegi sat next to her.

"I see Miss Moegi what did you need?"

"Well I wanted to bed you of course."

"Not happening." (Y/N) said instantly stopping what he was doing.


"I must apologize Moegi is a forceful Woman." Yomihime said bowing in a apologetic form.

"It's fine I've dealt with Forceful women before... Was that all you needed from me?"

"Ah No as a matter of fact Since I'll be leading the charge Commander (Y/N) I wanted plan ahead for our charge just in case if anything goes south. You've meet with the other Commanders of Soukai what are your impressions of them?"

"My impressions?... They're all fools... Them and their King... Doesn't matter what you plan when foolish leadership are hold up in a fort with multiple units cooperating with each other... The fort will fall into disorder... Their commanders will allow their pride to take over and confuse their troops which will be easy pickings, they'll continue to drop one by one until the bravest and mightiest of them will fall at the steps of the central castle, once they see their last stronghold has been taken... They'll flee like cockroaches in the light only they'll flee to the last thing they'll rely on... The Sea... Course no matter the plan this will happen either way and there will be heavy loses tomorrow from both sides." (Y/N) said polishing his last knife.

"Your intelligence reminds me of Akugetsu's brilliant mind when it comes to strategizing... You already know the outcome before it even started."

"I just look at the facts Moegi. Soukai's leadership has too much pride that they aren't focused on what they should be doing. Their only plan is to take out King Zuou to win the war... Yet as we all know that's not going to happen. Especially with how unorganized they seem to be. Frankly charging through the front door would be ridiculously easy." (Y/N) said showing his disappointment finishing the last of his equipment.

"I see so I guess that just confirms it then... Say (Y/N) when we win will you-"


"Aww... Well thank you for your time (Y/N) I'll leave you two be." The Red head said winking at Yomihime as she had blushed a bit.

"What was that about?"

"N-Nothing... It's just that my last conversation with her was filled with her expressing her lewd thoughts..." Yomihime said shyly messing with her thumbs.

"Scary how that reminds me of a certain person however at least Moegi gets other's consent."

"You never talk about the nation your from (Y/N) how is it?"

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