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It was early in the morning on the Pirate Island the Nation of Soukai has taken control of with the remaining civilians and soldiers of the once small nation now lived in small buildings and tents set up for people to live in during these harsh times while some warships were being used as fishing boats guarded by the Sudden Drifter incase the fish were further away. A few hours prior to the Sun rising on the island Akame was in a deep slumber in a futon that was far too big for her in an almost empty room with no other furniture minus a small table where Akame's husband (Y/N) sat across from her with his back towards her looking at a map of the entirety of Wakuko.

"Some mess... The forces we have can barely even be considered an army, the only fighting talent here would the Elder Class, Me and Akame... And Hinowa she may have been a general but I don't think she has the expertise to command her troops under pressure. Plus with the way things are going... She's going to face a lot of challenges where she'll have tough choices to make." (Y/N) thought to himself holding his chin as he started to recall some conversations he's had with his cousin.

"Tenrou has the numbers, the riches, resources, and strength... While Soukai has... Stupidity? Will power? Determination? How am I going to work this?"

"You'll find a way you always do." Akame said wrapping her arms around his torso resting her head on his back.

"Good morning beautiful... Did I wake you?"

"No... I'd just woken up... And the feeling without you next to me sometimes gives me trouble sleeping."

"You do like to hold me tight when you sleep. And yes I know because you feel safe with me but in reality your making me feel safe." (Y/N) said smiling at her putting a finger on her mouth before she could speak then place a sweet soft kiss on her lips causing her to blush and smile at him.

"Glad to know I help. Love you."

"Love you too."

"So your planning our next move?"

"Yea here take a look at this. This flag piece represent five hundred men and women fighting for their nation, the triangles are ships and the triangles in a v form are fleets of ten... As you can see compared to what we have... We're hilariously out numbered."

"Yea... But we've faced worst before."

"Isn't that the truth... Akame..."

"Yea (Y/N)?"

"I'm not going to lie to you. I'm... Scared... I'm scared that my skills won't be enough to help lead your friends to victory... I'm afraid that if my tactics fails Hinowa... And you may get hurt or worse... And I don't want that to happen to you. It destroyed me to find out that I didn't get that curse out of you it'll... End me if I lose you here." (Y/N) said clenching a fist on his lap only to feel Akame's hand softly touch his.

"No it won't... Because I don't plan on dying. Especially when our dream to form a family is within reach." Akame reassured her husband holding his cheek focusing her Scarlet eyes into his, relieving him of his stress.

"T-thanks Akame... Heh I'm lucky to have you, you seem to be getting more beautiful every morning."

"Oh is my husband trying to score some points? If so its working. Hmm." Akame hummed feeling her husband's back noticing something wrong.

"What's the matter?"

"Your back.... I didn't notice it before because I was still waking up but your back feels very rough."

"Does it? I guess I have been feeling a bit stiff..."

"Yea it does go ahead and lay down I can get you ready for today you are going to be training Hinowa today while I take care of the troops." Akame said laying out the futon for (Y/N) to lay on his stomach allowing Akame to sit on his back messaging it.

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