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"Four weeks has past and we've gotten anyone we can from Soukai. As things stands now... There isn't much going for you guys right now." (Y/N) said with his helmet on a table as he and Elder class looked at the map.

"All the commander's, and even Hisame is dead... And with no king the others won't really give us any real attention." Hinowa said holding her chin.

"That's true they will see y'all as pirates." (Y/N) said holding Akame's hand as she told him in his ear about any recent update.

"Well (Y/N) your our best bet... We'll foll-"

"I won't be leading you all I shall only serve as a tactician for y'all." (Y/N) interrupted Hinowa, shocking the group but Akame.

"Wait why not?!" Tobari asked pushing Suzumaru and Kumehachi to the side.

"My only intention was to reunite with Akame these past few months. Nothing else has matter to me... And quite frankly I still want to leave Wakoku for its been giving us to many problems and dragging us into a war. However..."

"However?" The kids asked tilting their heads.

"Your fortunate to have Akame as a friend... With her... Persuading me... And my desire to continuously make her happy and smile... Ive decided to join your cause." (Y/N) said blushing a bit while trying to keep his composure confusing the kids except Hinowa who blushed an extreme red color.

"With that I believe that duty falls to Hinowa then."

"Wait what are you saying?"

"He's saying that you should be the new King of Soukai... Or queen in this case. But before that me and Akame found this letter left by who you guys called strange old man. The leader reads. To Hinowa, Tobari, Hisame, Suzumaru, and Kumehachi if your reading this then the nation of Soukai has fallen and you all made it out alive. I have taught you all as best as I could so I'll have to teach you one last thing, Soukai is the home a fish freak called a mermaid fish. When you consume a mermaid fish it will grant you stronger bodies, sharper minds, greater agility, and allow you to heal from any wound. However it won't bring you back from the dead these fish I hunted and fed to you all til it became extinct in order to have you all the pillars of hope for all of Wakuko to end this war as you all grow older the more powerful you will be..." (Y/N) read the letter as the other stood in silence.

"He's also the one who found a temporary cure for Akame's curse... If only I had the materials."

"So what now?" Tobari asked while the group looked at Hinowa.

"Now... I'll take up the mantle of Queen of Soukai and rally our men and prepare for the days ahead for when we avenge our friends and take our country back." Hinowa said earning smiles from the group expect for (Y/N) who was already calculating their outcomes of victory and defeat.

"Well you guys can go ahead and do that... If I remember correctly Akame killed one of the Ten Stars correct?" Suzumaru asked interrupting the moment.

"Yea but-"

"We can't have Akame doing all the work I'll be back once I've killed a Ten Star myself."


"Enjoy getting yourself killed then." (Y/N) said bluntly making the boy stop in his tracks glaring at the man.


"I know exactly who your going after... Its Zuou isn't it?"

"How did you-"

"Guessed it? It was simple really; but this is only going to show you how easily the enemy will trick you and kill you. Despite the extra benefits you lot have in human physiology it'll mean nothing to someone very skilled and powerful. Now if your comparing yourself to my wife you must remember she's under a curse that limits her movements and in turn her martial arts I've seen her do the impossible and when she's at full power I believe only Three of the Ten Stars are capable of taking her on possibly equal terms. I've seen how you've all fought through your sparring with each other and I have to say... Akame forgive me... You all have no chance in hell of defeating them." (Y/N) said surprising the Elder Class.

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