Murasame Revolt exordium

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Where am I?

It's so dark here...

I can't move...

Is... Everyone ok?

Did... Did I die?

What's happening?

My vision... It's impaired... No...

I can only see out of one eye...

Can I move my head? Only slightly...

Anything else?

I can't feel my legs much... I can only move one arm...

What can I see?

That's still there... At least it didn't break... But...

This eye can't see my other side... That's odd...

My breathing... It's hard...

Very hard... I... I can't think straight...

My thoughts...

There's a light... Is that where I fell from?

The floor is cold... But the air is... Warm...

Very warm...

It's stinging the area where my other arm is...

It's the only thing I feel there... Along with my head...

It stings. It feels so numb it stings...

Can I move from here?

The ground feels like rock and dirt... I can try to stand...

But my body feels heavy when I try...

I have to try something...

The light up there is not helping much...

It's very dark here... And I'm hearing a strange noise...

Just what is that noise?

It sounds like something... Or things are dragging on the ground as if it was transversing through mud.

There's a slight hiss... Or Is it a buzz?

Whatever it is... It's quite frequent around me.

It's close... But doesn't appear to be closer...

Why is that?

Oh wait... My blade... I can still activate it...

I just need to move my arm...

Since I'm on my back... Laying it on my stomach should work...

Nrgh... It's a little harder than I imagined...

But it's doable.

The minute I put it on my stomach... Activate the balde... I shine it enough that I should see a reflection.

Now... What do I see...

I look worse than I imagined...

How am I not dead?!

Half of my head is missing...

My entire right arm and shoulder is missing...

The blood is still spilling...

That explains the numbness...

And the stinging feeling...

Also explains why I can't think straight...

This situation isn't in my favor...

Wait... My shield's glowing blue...

Oh that's what's keeping me....

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