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"So this Kyoukotsu guy is favored by Zuou?" (Y/N) asked as he walked next to Yomihime.

"Yes he's a very intellectual commander who... Has a very interesting taste in art..." Yomihime said quietly as they opened the door.

"Yo Miss Yomihime check this out its like a cabinet to hold your sweets in." A man said holding what looked like a man's torso cut up and stitched together.

"I guess every part of the world has their sickos."

"Weren't those your men Kyoukotsu? You shouldn't keep using your men like that or else they won't listen to you."

"They were extremely disrespectful and besides they'll have no choice but to follow me if I'm to conquer Soukai!... Huh? Who is this?" Kyoukotsu asked looking at (Y/N) as they looking at their reflection.

"He's our newest commander that came from the Far west who King Zuou took a liking to." Yomihime said as the two men exchanged glances.

"Is that so what's your name foreigner?"

"The names (Y/N) its a pleasure... Funny for some reason I have an incredible urge to kill this freak."

"I see... Well do you have an army that'll like for us to join the Shirunai siege?"

"I do not nor will I be going to war with Soukai yet, that'll be entirely up to you two. Though I am curious about the strategy you'll have against such a fortress."

"I do have to say I am quite interested." Yomihime asled joining the young commander's curiosity.

"Well then allow me to indulge you two please step inside. And here you go Miss Yomihime sweets for you!" The man said giving Yomihime a small bag of sweets as she started to snack on them.

"Reminds me of Akame and Kurome... When she's snacking like that... This room he has us in is... Disgusting." (Y/N) thought to himself following the two as he listened to them and the strategy that Kyoukotsu had thought of.

"That's it?... And here I'm thinking this guy must be some genius... And he hasn't lost a single battle yet?"

"Very well my army will stand by yours." Yomihime said confidently as she would've looked cool if it wasn't for the crumbs by her mouth.

"Ok... Maybe their all insane."

"So foreigner... What you think?"

"Fan-Fucking-Tastic!" He said with thumbs up.

"Why thank you!" Kyoukotsu bowed not realizing the sarcasm.

"So we hunt a freak and bring the materials to a smith?" Akame ask as she helped Hinowa and her friend set up camp oh a beach where they had hunting equipment with them.

"Yup though the freak we're hunting only appears once a week and is strong so it'll make for awesome Meihous!" Hinowa said stretching her arms up.

"That'll be good... Is it possible to make improvements on already crafted weapons?" Akame asked looking at her vambrace.

"It might be possible. Though for that it'll be tough... It'll be best for the person who made that to improve it."

"(Y/N) then..." Akame said looking at her wrist.

"Oh I have an idea Akame how about you tell us about how you and your husband fell in love?" Hinowa said gathering everyone's attention.

"W-Why the sudden interest?" Akame asked trying not to be flustered.

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