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"DAMN IT! is there nothing?!" (Y/N) yelled out furiously slamming books on the table he was sitting at.

"Grand General (Y/N) shh this is still the library!" A librarian said at the castle as the young man slammed his head on the desk.

"It's ridiculous Teigus were created four hundred years ago and their records disappeared. Unknown's Claw did free Akame of her curse yet the remnants of her Trump Card still remain in her heart stopping us from conceiving our child... Wait Unknown.... Murasame.... Wakoku...."

"In the Library again Master?" Tsuki asked with books in her hands as she looked at her previous master.

"Hey Empress Tsuki... How are you doing?"

"Your still trying to find an answer... If your like this I can only imagine how Akame's feeling." Tsuki said sitting across from him getting to the point.

"Yea... Its been two weeks since my coma and the miscarriage of our first child, it hasn't been easy especially with my failure to remove thecurse my weapon, where Akame begs me to not try it anymore as there should be another solution since then Tsuki was made empress and they offered me the position of Grand General til I can find the answers I'm looking for... She's been trying to be positive but... I know it pains her, just like me she's been trying to find a solution... Definitely has not been herself. Whenever I get home she's reading Rongo Rongo looking for answers however as far as we can tell the book only holds maps of the world, location of dungeons, information on what the other Teigus can do, and instructions on fixing Teigus with material that possibly doesn't exist anymore."

"I see, Well master you are excellent at modifying weapons maybe you can try something."

"Were it so easy... I'm not Dorothea who can use Alchemy to modify Teigus in a horrifying way, and with Unknown's Claw... The blood inside it is my own and the Unknown's... I've wasted alot of my own blood and the blood in the shield to cure Akame... Now I think about it the blood in my shield hasn't fully recovered itself."

"Well master if it helps I may have a solution." Tsuki said taking a Letter out of her pocket giving it to him.

"Hmm... A faction of Wakoku asked for your help?"

"Yup... As you know they have a twenty two way civil war going on and they all asked for this nations help... Each one wants to gain the upper hand in the fight but I'd rather not get dragged into a war so soon. Especially since we're still recovering."

"Yea... So why tell me this?"

"Both of your weapons were made in Wakoku... Maybe if you guys go there you can find the answer your looking for." Tsuki said making the general to think for a moment.

"I hope your right... When do I leave?"

"Whenever you want to. I don't really care about Wakoku but I do care for you and Akame so if your journey takes you here to find the solution then I pray for your success. At least give it sometime to think master... You two have been through a lot and you guys deserve some happiness." Tsuki said putting hand on top of her masters as they exchanged smiles.

"Thanks Tsuki I'm going to retire for the night..."

"Feel free master and goodnight." The bluenette said taking her leave as she watched her master put hid signature helmet on again.

"Master why are you wearing that?"

"When I thought my troubles we're over I figured I wouldn't need it but since this curse is the last of my troubles I will wear it until the curse is gone. A final loose end as you could say." He replied collecting some books heading for the exit.

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