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"Trust me Recruit you don't want to head up that path." A Murasame Soldier said with a young man next to him as they were patrolling a Mountain.

"How come Captain?" The young man asked looking at the ominous blue torii gate.

"You want to know why there are no freaks up these mountains or the surrounding areas?" He said looking at the Torii gate.

"There's a Beast up there. Dating back thousands of years Warriors who travel up this path never comes back down. It's a challenge pathway and if you confront that beast it'll end you. Long ago they used to hunt beasts like that one up there... However all but one of the Legendary beast are alive and it lives up there." The Captain said putting his hand on the Torii gate.

"Glad I left the Makabe Commission. I never would've heard a story like that."

"Well don't get a big head young lord. For now your my underling, which means I have to... Wait... Someone's here." The Captain said drawing his sword as his subordinate did the same.

"Captain I'm not sensing anyone." The Young recruit said holding his sword in a defensive position.

"It's very faint... It's not like the Ninjas of the Rin Commission... This one is better... Only reason why I know someone's here is because I've patrolled this path for thirty years and I know when the wind moves against someone here. Clear your mind and you'll hear something off." The Captain said as the recruit took a deep breath as a chill fog released from his mouth helping him detect whatever was around them.

"Captain... It's faint but-"

"I know; THERE!" The Captain said by throwing a kunai at a tree in the mountain however there was no thunk sound.

"I didn't hear anything stabbed sound or thunk... Captain what's our-" stopping the recruit the kunai the captain threw whizzed by them distracting them as someone like a shadow tackled the Captain out of nowhere and slammed him into a tree knocking him out.

"Get away from the Cap- Gahhhh!"

"You have spunk... Remember this pain." The shadow said delivering a powerful punch into the recruit's stomach.

"W-who... A-a-are... You?..." The recruit said falling on his knees as the Shadow walked to the Blue torii gate.

"Nobody." The shadow turned its head revealing a massive shine on the head reflecting the recruits image showing his light blue eyes and black hair before the recruit passed out.

"Figures a veteran would detect me... Means I need to be even more careful."

"Hm..." Akira said learning on a tree looking at the camp fire he built while looking at the picture Shogun Kaguya gave him; the one with the mysterious armor.

"I know that shape... He's the only warrior who made it down from that path... I'd like to know how... Mr Nobody is starting to be Somebody..." Akira said putting the picture in his pocket as he twirled his key around. "I require more so-"

"Shut up... I own you... You don't own me..." Akira said glaring at the key.

"Hrmph... That's what you think..."

"It's what I know to be true... You have no power over me and I'm not going to indulge you any longer after all your just a voice in my head."

"The fact you acknowledge me is proof of my hold on you Ice Cold Reaper."

"Hrmph... The souls in this will suffice. I don't need to over do it until I fight Amateru again."

"Or when you encounter Nobody. He gave you your first loss; it wasn't much of a fight really."

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