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"Why not just rush in there? You're strong enough to achieve it by yourself no need to be careful about methods?" Merraid's Projection said moving her finger across (Y/N)'s chest as he had Sakura Castle in his sight on a tree.

"They look ready to mobilize... But for what?..." (Y/N) asked himself ignoring the Merraid projection that circled him.

In Sakura Castle The Makabe Commission had taken complete control over it, which came to no surprise to (Y/N) what did come was the number of guards currently preparing for war inside the Castle grounds. Even outside the Castle grounds to the surrounding areas the Makabe Commission had been evicting people from their homes, businesses stripped, even claiming "Prisoners" that resist... Though they had mainly consist of Young women that he knew in Wakoku when it came to spoils of war women are a reward Soldiers like the most here.

"Tch... And to think their history books said that soldiers that done the armor have pinnacle honor... Yet they way they celebrate their victory is very disgraceful." (Y/N) said to himself as he saw guards push around a girl near the Castle.

Can he help? Yes but at a cost. The Commander under Queen Hinowa is only here for diplomatic purposes and if he acts out of line in any way it'll start a war. Which is why he needs to play it safe instead of going in guns blazing and getting the people of Murasame against him. As it stands The Shogun is the Only key to their success in establishing a truce between Murasame and the Soukai remnants, especially since Hinowa and Rugyou will be doing their best with Yuugiri, Shinonome, and Rougen... For (Y/N) to succeed he needs to be careful... One wrong move and they'll kill the Shogun... One wrong move and they'll sacrificial lambs empowering the Makabe's control resulting in their lives being taken. And then there are the ninjas; they are definitely a problem but he was able to lose them whenever they followed him, yet they are highly diligent especially when it came to looking after the Castle. Every chance he got to distract the guards to test it's defense the ninja's will cover the blind spots and the guards post instantly before disappearing again. Even the Balcony outside the Shogun's room was heavily guarded as birds that land on there will instantly be killed either it was a sick game or they were preparing for any factor possible. Either way this was going to be a challenge for him especially with the blue prints he stole, and his own drawings to have an extra visual and possible route for him to take.

"There's Akane again... Going to talk to that ninja by the tree again... If only I got a good look at that ninja's face... At least I have a view on Akane's... Let's see... Sankai fail to kill Akira but killed that servant girl... Now Akira is making his way back to the city but destruction, blood, and ruin is following him... He turned into a monster instead of dying like a dog... What am I going to do about it? I forgot your a shadow Kururiya... Well I have several units of Soldiers mercs in all ready for a fight. I'll lead the charge especially because even the Altius Commission is getting wiped out by him. Either way his killing spree needs to end. And we've already proven a Manablood of Plants can't be beat by Manabloods of Ice. Hm cocky much... Then again this Manablood thing is new to me..." (Y/N) said to himself reading Akane's lips from a distance.

"But still I told that idiot this would happen... But I didn't expect a friend of his to die... Can't really blame him; but I can blame him for giving Vecna control." He said to himself as an image of Gin had come to his head.

"Ah yes poor sweet Gin... Didn't you two get along?" Merraid said as her hand cupped (Y/N)'s cheek pressing her body against him, yet he didn't react whatsoever.

"Hah... She said Kururiya... That explains the ninja pressure here!... Hm... Things are getting a lot more difficult... And if Akira ends up dying... Hah... He's going to owe me big time for this. Tori... Get this to Dairoku." (Y/N) said calling his Firehawk as it hopped down a branch to his shoulder.

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