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*Narrator's POV*

It's Monday morning (rain is falling~) and Huang Renjun is standing in front of this big white gate. Looking up, he saw pretty, elegant letters on a kind of billboard that read 'University of Cultural Neos'. His dream university and a university known for its umm... uniqueness.

With a huge smile plastered onto his face, he pushed them gates open as he walked amongst the many other humans either shouting at each other, throwing hugs and kisses around like they've never seen a fellow human being before. 

Was this where the one and only Renjun wanted to be? No.

He was unfortunately here cuz his father wanted him to go to one of the top universities that had a strong base in arts (dance, music and art stuff), when he wanted to go for architecture or psychology. He always liked building structures with literally anything and had a way with words that mostly helped people. Not all the time but most of the time...

His family and ancestors were all well-known, great artists and it was basically forced into tradition to only learn arts. Pretty stupid if you ask me or him.
His mum was understanding and always had a soft spot for her son, but she couldn't do much about the whole situation. She couldn't help but be genuinely disappointed in her husband... (same...).

Some people don't change you see. Whether they realize what they are doing is right or wrong doesn't matter if they've already done it. Don't cry over spilled milk ma dear friends :) Clean it and move on. Avoid the problem (I suggest you don't take my advice seriously. I'm not certified and is personal in need of mental and emotional hElp-)

Walking right over to the reception, he was met with two men, probably in their late 20s', arguing and almost choking each other if it wasn't for the innocent-looking boy clearing his throat.

"Umm... sorry to interrupt but, a little help please?"

The shorter of the two looked at the soft boy in a light blue sweater as he made his way to him after shooting a mean glare at the taller one.

"Hi there sweetie! What you saw there was an illusion and I assume you want your keys and room number hmm?"

Renjun just stared at him before aggressively nodding his head.

" Real enthusiastic and cute for a first-year student. Cool cool. So your name please"
The shorter said with a warm smile while the other receptionist just stared at the other with knife eyes. (🔪👄🔪)

"Huang Renjun." He said with a small smile.

"Mmm... Here are your keys and room number Renjeon!"

"It's actually Ren-Jun, not RenjEon. Or maybe you could call me Injun?"

"Oh, I'm sorry Injunnie! My name's Taeyong by the way. And that cute grumpy grandpa is Doyoung!" He said flashing a wicked yet cute smile at Doyoung who looked like he was holding himself back from stabbing the very being with the pen in his hand.

" Thank you for your help Taeyong and Doyoung ge!" Renjun said as he took a bow and waved at them before walking out of there so he wouldn't be there when one of them actually stabs the other. He already has to get through freaking 4 years of studying arTs. Getting involved in a murder, even as a witness is not gonna be a great experience. Not that he has experienced it but like... yeah...

Taeyong looked at Doyoung who was still frowning at him as he walked over and hugged him and mumbled a sorry as he detached himself to go get the jar of cookies he had hid from Doyoung. What made that box important was cuz it was from his dear dear giant fiancé, Johnny Suh.

( I'm sorry if guys were expecting someone else but I is personally a Johndo shipper but johnten do be the superior ship tho)

"I would say thank you but you were being a bitch so imma just let you be, instead of impaling this pretty pen into your beautiful skin. And I mean every word with lots of love. A cookie for you." Said Doyoung with a straight face, handing him a cookie before bursting out into a fit of laughter when he saw the fellow receptionist actually looking genuinely guilty. 

Taeyong mumbled a thank you as he stuffed the cookie into his mouth before turning back to doing his share of paperwork while Doyoung went to attend the other lost students.


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