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*Narrator's POV*

"Hello roommate!"

The excited voice of one of the boys snapped Renjun out of his daze. The beauty was too much for poor Injunnie to handle. wOwwww sO sExshiiii- All this perfection got to the Chinese's head as the whole first impression thing was completely unattended to.

"I'm gay. And he's Renjun." Was what he said as he gestured to himself twice. He's wasn't wrong... but that's 🤏 embarrassing-

The taller of the two chuckled at the panicked boy as he introduced himself.

"Hi! I'm Lee Jeno!" Said the boy as he gave a smile, his eyes turning into crescents making him look adowableeee!! He looked at the boy standing next to him, who was starring at Injun as he just subconsciously nodded, as he introduced himself too.

"I'm Jeno..."

The actual Jeno looked at his boyfriend as he realized he hadn't snapped out of his daydreaming. He slightly nudged the dazed boy startling him a bit as he realized what he said as he shook his head.

"I'm Jaemin. Haha... Na Jaemin. You can call me Nana!" Said Nana, internally face-palming himself.

Renjun let out a deep breath since he wasn't the only one who fucked up something as simple as introducing oneself...

To be honest though... it's hard introducing yourself. Like walking up to someone and wanting to talk to them. Get to know them. What do you tell a random person when you meet them?! Hi! My name's Emma! Waz poppin? That's awkward. This is why I avoid talking to people. Especially new people...

Movin on!~

"Come in! It's not just my room anyways." Renjun spoke up since they were just starting at each other like they were the most beautiful creatures to ever live (which is proven and is true).

All Jeno could do was chuckle at everything that's as happening here. They got to the living room as they all sat on the mattress Nono had claimed. Renjun sat a bit away from the two since he didn't really know them and not to be the person to randomly assume stuff, it seemed like the two were dating.

"So... which one you is my roommate? Or is it both of you guys?" Asked Injun looking at the two for an answer only to be met with them starring at him. Injunnie blushed as he looked away. pAnicKed gAy indeed-

"It's me. Nana over here is actually our neighbor. Right next door!" Said the taller, showing his eye smile again making Renjun melt.

This gOd is living with him and the other god lives next door. The universe really looked at these three and said, it's either they together or the earth gonna be destroyed.

"Cool! If you don't mind me asking... are you both dating?" Asked Renjun as he looked at the two specifically Jaemin since he didn't really talk much after coming in, but after he asked me that question a smile formed on his face as he looked at the boy who had asked the question. Smirking, he answered "Yes we are baby boy. Wanna be part of our lovely relationship? I don't mind loving another." But his smile faded away quickly as he looked at Renjun realizing what he said probably was waaaay too straightforward. "I mean unless you asked cuz you weren't comfortable with our pda or you probably aren't even into guys to begin with. I am soooo sorry! I didn't mea—"

"Omg calm down Nana! It's no big deal and of course I don't mind. And I'm very much gay. And we literally just met even though you probably didn't mean that but yea..." Renjun cut Nana's endless rambling trying to calm him down. He had now come a little bit more closer to the two realizing they probably weren't gonna stab him. He can defend himself but the fear really gets to you sometimes.

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