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*Renjun's POV*

I was repeating the song for a good five minutes before the bathroom door opened, revealing a perfectly fine Jaemin. I waved at him, an awkward laugh making its way out my mouth as I looked away, my face burning.

"Renjun-ah~ we've been on the bed for sooo long! How about you wake up Jeno and we just take a stroll along the seashore and greet the rest of the gays?? Hmm??"

I looked at the clock. 4:55 it read. Perfect timing!

"Ook Nana!~" I sang out making him smile as I turned to face Jeno who was still asleep.


I screamed out loud as Jeno sprung up from the bed and hugged me, shielding me from the 'spider'.

"Where is it? Injunnie where- why are you laughing??"

I couldn't help but just laugh at his reaction. He's so fucking precious!!!!

Jeno looked over to Nana who glanced at me before giving a big smile at Jeno who looked confused as ever.

"Wait...there's no spider... there's no spider right?"

Suppressing a giggle, I nodded my head as I hugged him.

"We wanted to go on a walk and you wouldn't wake up so... ye seee...."

Scrunching his face, looking adorable, Jeno sighed as he got up.

"Wait here."

And we waited...
We waited and waited.
This sounds like Doctor Seuss...

"Andddd let's go my beautiful babies!"

Both of them took one of my hands in theirs as we walked out the door. I saw Jaemin take in a deep breath as he breathed out, relaxing.

"Wow... the air is so... mist?.... I meant moist."

Looking over at Nana who was malfunctioning for some reason, I chuckled at him as he was literally red.

"Nana? You good?"

Looking down at me, his eyes screamed NO!

Suddenly, I was pulled away from Jeno who didn't even flinch a bit but had a smirk on his face.

I was kUnfused.

"Jeno looks so fucking hot and my hormones are not calming down. Like did you see him?!"

So that was the problem...

"Nana~ just walk. We can attend to your problem later. Please, my love?~"

Letting out a frustrated sigh, he gave me a peck on the cheek as he dragged me back to where Jeno was just standing. And Jaemin wasn't wrong... I could feel my hormones uncooperating too... wow...

"You two done??"

Both Jaemin and I let out an awkward chuckle as our eyes met.

"Yes, we are my lovely sweet boyfriend."

And with that, we made our way to the living room. It was dark and only I knew why.

"Why is it so dark?" The voice of Jaemin was heard.

Oh fuck- I internally cursed.

"Nana. Your Renjun and Jeno are right beside you. I'll go get the lights. Okay?"

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