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*Narrator's POV*

It's been 3 months since school started. Just three months but to Renjun, it felt like 3 centuries...

"Aaarrghhhh!!!!! FUCKING PIECE OF FUCKING PAPER THAT DOESN'T FUCKING WANT TO FUCKING COOP-FUCKING-RATE WITH FUCKING ME!!!!" The screams of Renjun could be heard next door where Jeno and Jaemin were busy copying notes on the things they had missed when they spaced out or were just not paying attention.

With his eyes wide open, Jeno pulled Jaemin up on his feet, dragging him out the room to his own. Knocking on the door, in fear of walking in to see something thrown at him, Jeno waited patiently. After a few seconds, the door aggressively swung open, revealing a tiny figure whose hair was all messed up and looked like he hadn't eaten or slept for a week. That's basically what happened over the past few weeks anyway.

"Jeno.... and Nana.... hi. I'm studying."

Pushing past Renjun, Jeno made his way inside the room which he also owns.

"It's my room too angel. Come here." He said as he patted on the spot next to him on the mattress. Renjun along with Jaemin made their way towards the seated male. Renjun sat down between the gaps of Jeno's legs as Jaemin sat next to him, laying his head on his beautiful boyfriend's shoulder. Jeno wrapped one of his hands around Renjun's small waist, pulling closer as he snuggled into the tired boy's neck. Jaemin just clung to Jeno as he was about to doze off any minute.

Noticing that, Jeno turned to smile at the sleepy head. "Baby lay down. I'll take care of Injunnie."

"Are you sure?" Mumbled out Nana as he laid down either way and letting go of reality and welcoming himself to a fantasy.

Now putting his full attention on the boy who had snuggled closer to the taller, Jeno made him turn around to face him properly, making Renjun straddle him. Lifting his chin up, he fixed his hair as he rested his forehead against the latter. Jeno was trying really hard to just calm down the smaller boy since he felt bad to see him so...dead.

"Angel.... cry for me. Let it all out. I really hate seeing you like this... is there anything I can do to help? I can help with your assignments you know. Please?..." Jeno whispered out.

Renjun looked into Jeno's dark brown orbs that seemed to be so beautiful yet filled with so much worry for him. Looking at Jeno being so worried about him made him break. He hugged the taller tight, afraid of letting go. He let his tears fall. It's really been hard. He hasn't seen his parents or his friends that often since he was way too busy with his assignments. The stress was really getting to him and he really didn't know who to go to. He felt like he had nobody. The endless nights of crying himself to sleep but having to be quiet, and having to chock his desperate cries for an act of affection. All along he thought he didn't have anyone but he was wrong.

So many love Huang Renjun. The amazing angel that everyone was whipped for.

By now Renjun was sobbing out loud as Jeno just hugged Renjun tight, not planning on letting go. It might've only been around 3 months since he met this angel but he already felt the need to protect and be there for him through everything. He felt as though Renjun was his purpose to live but, then again, he has a boyfriend who he didn't love any less.

He didn't want things to get complicated so he pushed aside the butterflies and the fuzziness and just put his attention to be the best boyfriend for Nana and a protector? For his other love, Injun.

After a while, Renjun's cries softened down as he just sniffled as Jeno never stopped holding him tight. He was alternatively rubbing circles on his back and running his hand through Injun's hair, making sure to let the latter know he wasn't going to let go.

"Hush angel..." whispered Jeno in Injunnie's ear as he held him. Jeno rolled over to Nana's side as he cuddled the baby in his arms, whose eyes started to droop as he slowly drifted off to dreamland...

"Will he be okay Nono?"

"I hope he will be... I love him Nana... it hurts to see him like this."

"I love him too... We'll be there for our angel no matter"

Saying that, the couple starred at each other with a smile on their faces as they looked at their angel, sleeping in their comfort. Giving Injun a peck on his head, the trio snuggled into each other.

Making sure to never let go.


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<this was not a great chapter and I'm really sorry for that...Hope it didn't ruin your mood...>

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