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*Jisung's POV*

It's been a while since the incident...

"Jisungie...I miss him."

The soft whisper of my dear dolphin took my attention away from the road ahead of me as looked over at him for a bit before looking back since I didn't want to crash. Letting out a sigh I ruffled Chenle's hair as he let out a sniffle.

"We all do baby... they tried everything. We don't have to visit him if you don't want to you know... he'll be better. Someday. Hopefully..."

"I want to but I don't know if I can handle it... I don't want to breakdown in front of him. I want him to know I'm a strong boy. I -"

I slowed down as I came to a stop near a curb making Chenle stop his rambling and face me. His eyes were glossy and he had this adorable pout that made him look like a ball of fluff, but I knew he wasn't okay. Emotionally or mentally. Cupping his cheeks I looked at him as I left a soft kiss on his forehead trying to reassure him.

"It's okay to not be okay baby dolphin. And I meant it when I say we don't have to go if you aren't ready."

He just nodded his head slowly as he took deep breath in and exhaled out loud, his pout never leaving his face.

"Pwark Jisung. I'm ready. Not really but I want to. Now GO! GO! GO!  Start the car before I hange my minddd!!"

Chuckling at the my boyfriend's reaction, I just shook my head and started the car as we made our way to see our beloved Huang Renjun.

After a solid 20 minutes of driving, with Chenle just humming along to the radio, we reached as I parked the car in the parking lot. Stepping out, I opened the door on Lele's side as he step(out! we are straykids!)ed, clinging on to my arm as we made our way inside.

I kept looking down at him to see some kind of dicomfort to meet his ge, but he seemed quite, happy?

It's actually been hard to cope up and try and move on temporarily with Renjun not there with us. It really affected Chenle way more than anyone. Jaemin and Jeno... no one has heard from them after that day...After they found out about Renjun.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in, catching Lele's attention as he halted to look up at me.

"Jisung-ah. You know...Like you said...it's okay to not be okay. So if YOU aren't ready, we don't have to."

That really made me think. Was I okay with this? No. Not really. I was connected to this in a way and I felt guilty. And might I say, I did grow atached to him even though I mostly got jealous of how close he was with Chenle... I missed him and fuilt was eating me alive. I gave blood. He had enough blood but his current state was not what I wanted him to be in.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath as my free hand clutched onto the door handle. Gripping onto it and Chenle's baby hand, I looked at him once before I whispered "Ready."

I pushed open the door to find Renjun in bed and the two lost boys no one had heard from.

"Jeno and Jaemin hyung..." 






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