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*Jeno's POV*

Me and Nana were just chilling on my mattress. We came quite earlier than most students and got our keys, and since both he and I were drained, we thought we'd take a nap.

Nana had just fallen asleep when I was about to drift off to dreamland the sound of the front door slicking open caught my attention. I was gonna get up when a random cute kid with a blue Moomin suitcase walked in. He looked around for barely a minute when his eyes landed on me in the corner, as he whipped his head away so fast I swore I could hear a faint crack. He just pushed open the weird purple door and slammed it close.

What an odd boy is what I was gonna say when I realized he was probably my roommate and he just saw me with a guy. Cuddling in the corner. Oh no- I slapped my forehead as I realized I probably made him uncomfortable or scared him. I couldn't really move so I thought I'd give him some time to come out on his own.

I closed my eyes to finally sleep when I heard a frustrated fuck! Leave out of the room the cute boy had just entered. I was gonna get up to see if he was okay when I felt Nana snuggle closer to me, nuzzling his face into my stomach sending my heart into a frenzy and butterflies aggressively flapping around in my tumtum. I was staring at how calm and peaceful my beautiful baby looked. 

So perfect...

That magical moment didn't last long though cuz a loud scream accompanied by a string of curse words left the thin walls of the room with the lavender-colored door. Jaemin jerked up, almost crashing into my jaw which would have been pAinfUl.

"Jesus... who-"

Right when nana was about to get up and walk over to that room, the cute boy dashed out the door to the entrance as he hastily tried to put on his shoes while still cursing and yelling at his phone.

"Damn... who stole that kid's crayons?? He looks piSsed." Said a shaken Nana who looked dizzy since he jolted right up.

"Honestly, now I'm scared to live with him. I thought he was a quiet cute kid but boiii was I wrong..."

" He's you're roommate???" Nana exclaimed both a bit shocked and excited but still kinda mad at the little kid ruining his nap.


"Nono! Don't look so down" Nana said with a cute pout, making me let out a chuckle as I just shook my head.

"I'm not sad just, terrified? A bit? And besides, I'm the one who's gonna live with him. The worst that can happen to you is hearing him yell at me through these really thin walls. You might not be the luckiest neighbor but as long as I know you're alive, works for me!"

"That's a nice way to tell me you love me..."

"Aww! Nono love Nana sho sho muchhhh!!! Nana love Nono too?" The all-mighty Lee Jeno, (and yes, that's how I refer to myself cuz self-confidence is a must) said with a cute face and voice (not matching the image I created of myself in the general people's eyes.)

But none of it was wrong. I really was in love with this beautiful man or baby to be precise.


Jaemin let out a squeal as I squished his pretty face peppering it with kisses as laughter filled the room now. That's when I realized that my fuming roommate had just stormed out of the room on a phone call. THAT looked bad and yet here the two of us are, cuddling each other like there was no threat to this peaceful environment we had created.

This year is gonna be a lOng aSs riDeeee!

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