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*Jaemin's POV*

After washing the dishes, the three of us made ourselves comfortable on the sofa as I saw Jeno aggressively scrolling through a bunch of movies, trying to choose, with a bored Renjun sandwiched between us.

"Nana?" Renjun called out to me as he snuggled into my arm making me coo at him internally.

"Yes angel?"

"What happened?"

I let out a chuckle at that question as it seemed to have caught Jeno's attention too.

"You see... You were unconscious, people died and cried but now you're safe so why don't we-"

"Na Jaemin. What.Happened?"

Renjun was starring at me intently as I saw Jeno turn off the TV as he put his attention on the boy who was eager to know about him almost dying and people actually dying. It seemed like we were gonna be telling him the entire story... This is gonna be looooooooong.

After what seemed like a few days, we finished the entire story, taking turns and managing not to cry but Renjun was a sobbing mess the entire time. I looked at the clock.

5:00 p.m. it read. This entire week had been crazy. I cradled Injun in my arms in hope of getting him to sleep which I did successfully as I got to the bedroom upstairs as I gently placed him on the soft mattress and tucked him in, not forgetting a good night kiss on his forehead as I joined Jeno on the sofa who looked deep in thought.

"Nono? You okay?"

Jeno slowly nodded his head as a yes as he rested his head on my lap as I ran my hand through his soft locks. He looked troubled but he has a valid reason. His aunt and uncle died in an unusual situation and they had killed people dear to him. I was happy I could still be with him. I loved him so much. Like it's mind-blowing how much love I have for him.

His cute eye-smile, his beautiful giggles and how he looks so intimidating but is the softest and cutest fluffball I've ever met. I could wake up to his face every day and I would never get tired of seeing him sleeping peacefully next to me like he had no troubles at all.

"I love you Lee Jeno..."

No response. Instead, I heard soft snores from him as I saw him, knocked out. I chuckled at the sight as I reached for my phone to get a quick picture of him.

Guess this'll be my new wallpaper!

I felt my eyes get droopy as I dozed off, my brain wandering off to fake scenarios land~


"Hyung! Wakes wakey~"

I woke up as I was met with Jisung's face right in front of me as I screamed making him stumble backwards as he tripped and fell.

"OH mA gaWd!-" I yelled as I clutches onto my chest making sure my heart was still beating.

"Oh you're awake. Freshen up Nana~" the voice of Jeno got me on my feet as I found him in the kitchen with Chenle cooking ramen for probably all of us.

"Hihi Lele...when did you guys come? And how long was I asleep??"

Jeno ruffled my hair that was sticking up everywhere as he placed a soft peck on my lips.

"They came not long ago. Now go wake up Injunnie. He's still asleep upstairs."

I nodded as I dragged my tired legs up to the bedroom. I slowly swung open the door and saw Renjun curled up in a ball. I wanted to take a picture but I had left my phone downstairs... I just sighed as I laid down next to his sleeping figure. He liked sooooo adowableeeee- I wanna squish him and hug the life out of himmm!!!!

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