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*Renjun's POV*

I woke up after having this horrible dream where I was shot and I died and stuff. I was breathing heavily and I felt cold sweat drip down my forehead. My entire back was on fire and me jolting up wasn't a helpful tactic. Realizing I was still in one piece I calmed down but my panic state came back just as fast when I couldn't identify my surroundings.

"Lee Jeno! Na Jaemin!!" I yelled but shut up cuz my throat felt parched.

I heard hurried footsteps as the door burst open, revealing a Jeno in a towel that covered only his bottom half, his hair still drippin (love) wet, and a Jaemin in an oversized black shirt and boxers.

THAT was one hell of a sight to be greeted with after a nap... and deja vu?

The blood rushed to my cheeks as I saw them look so hot yet cute, in a way, as I was literally drooling at this point.

I felt a weight crush me down as I felt myself being carried up by a fluff ball as the other one just stood there, his eyes glossy and lips quivering.

"ANGEL! I missed you sooooo muchhhhh!!!!~~~~ you have no idea how weird things got...."

Jaemin spun me around as I clutched onto him for dear life as I caught a glimpse of Jeno with a big grin on his face, his crescent eyes making my heart skip a beat.

"Nana~you're scaring our angellll!!"

Jeno yelled as Nana dropped me on the bed only to tackle me down and was still squishing me, except this time Jeno joined too, as I felt water droplets dripping down and get the bed a bit wet. I almost forgot that all he was wearing was a towel and if that comes off... *nervous laughter*

I somehow pushed my way out of their grasp with a Nana now tangled in the blankets and a Jeno who abruptly stood up. My eyes widened as I shut them tight and I was pretty sure my cheeks and entire face was redder than a tomato as I let out a squeal. I heard laughter and chuckles as I slowly parted my fingers to peek through the gap as I saw Jeno in his boxers instead of being, well....you know... nakey nakey~

"I see our angel doesn't have a mind that is as holy as it should've been. I guess it was all just an act."

He wasn't necessarily wrong but he can't just waltz in with only a towel wrapped around his waist, looking like he had just walked out the shower and expect me to think he would be wearing his boxers...

"YA! IT'S NOT MY FAULT OKAY!" I yelled back, trying to defend my image but I couldn't help mumble out a part that Jaemin somehow heard.

"you both looked so fucking hot I couldn't just not think..."

"Our little angel thought we looked, quote and quote, 'fucking hot'. Awwww~ What were you thinking baby boy?"

Jaemin crawled towards me as I moved back until I felt my back hit the headboard of the bed. Jaemin didn't even stop as he trapped me between his arms. Jeno was just watching with a smirk on his face as I was waiting for something to happen. I felt someone's hot breath against my skin as I let out a quiet whimper when I felt Nana's lips at the crook of my neck. I felt him get closer to my ears as he just breathed out. Both our bodies were basically glued together, making it ten times harder to breathe. I had the boyfriend of Jeno, all over me with Jeno just watching? Was this allowed?? wtf-

"Aah~" I let out a moan without realizing when I felt Jaemin bite down a bit on a specific spot on my neck. I quickly clasped my hand over my mouth because of the unholy noise I let out.

"N-nana...J-jeno's watching-g..." I stuttered out.


That's all the dear boy said. and...And? AND? WHAT DOES HE MEAN AnD?-

I was snapped out of it when I felt Nana pull away and walk towards Jeno, giving him a peck as he skipped out the door like nothing had happened.

"Come down for lunch angel. Nana personally cooked." Jeno smiled at me as he pecked my forehead before going down to where Jaemin probably skipped off too.


He does THAT in FORNT of his BOYFRIEND who was fucking CHILL and just LEFT? NO EXPLANATION?!

Huffing, I stomped down the stairs to where I assumed the kitchen was mumbling out random curses here and there.

Guess what. Two can play this game.

I spotted Jaemin with his apron on, making some eggs. I skipped to him as I stood next to him. I saw his lips curve into a smile as he switched off the stove and turned to face me.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, catching him by surprise but he hid his surprised pikachu face in the blink of an eye. I somehow untied his apron as I threw it on the floor as I looked at him, starring into his beautiful orbs. I leaned in as he did too as I saw him close his eyes. I leaned as my lips were ghosting his. He looked so into the moment I thought I'd give him a peck but you gotta be the devil when you have to. I pulled away as I just made my way to the dining table as I sat down to eat. I sat down as I felt my back hurt a bit but didn't mind since it didn't seem bad. I saw Jaemin send me a glare as he pouted at me.

"I'm hungry Nana!!" I yelled at him, making him scoff as he got the food and placed them on the table. I saw Jeno get out the bathroom, fully clothed this time to my disappointment.

We all sat down with Jeno sitting in front of me and Nana right beside me. We started digging in as I felt a hand caress my thigh, making me flinch. It seemed like Jeno didn't notice as I shot Jaemin a look as I continued eating but felt that hand rub my thighs again as he went closer to my inner thigh. I was waiting for him to stop but I was caught off guard when I felt him squeeze it as I let out a yelp as I choked on the rice I was eating.

Jaemin Reached for a glass of water, looking worried but he still had a teasing gaze as he passed it to me.

"Are you okay Injunnie? Drink some water."

I gulped down the water as felt my wind pipe clearing up. I huffed as I starred down Jaemin. I whipped my head away from as I made my way to Jeno's side and sat down next to the him. He looked confused but just went on chewing on his lunch.

After a while we were finally done as I got up to wash my dishes. I was washing the as I felt a taller figure tower behind me as I felt two hands snake around my waist. I felt Jeno bury his face in my neck as he hugged me.

"Did Jaemin play too much angel?" Me muttered against my skin, ticking me a bit.

"Well... Two can play his game so I don't mind."

"Make it three."

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