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*Renjun's POV*

I woke up when I felt something move beside me. Someone was clinging onto me from both the front and back. I was sandwiched between two guys, or I guess gays to be accurate. I stiffened when I felt Jaemin snuggle into my chest, clutching onto the hem of my shirt.

That made me coo at him internally but I was snapped out of it when a deep raspy voice spoke up behind me.

"Did you sleep well angel?"

..............THAT was hAwt. I was panicking since that was too much for my heart to handle. Jeno had his arms around my waist, holding me tight. It felt nice. Like Christmas! It felt like being wrapped in a big warm blanket. Like a burrito 🌯. My heart skipped wayyyy too many beats when Jeno managed to come closer and Jaemin snuggled into the crook of my neck giving it a small kiss. My face was burning...

"Relax Injunnie..." the sweet yet deep voice of Jaemin spoke up as he looked at me with his sleepy eyes. I stared at them. They were beautiful.... they held the entire universe. They sparkled when our eyes met. Time stopped I swear!

I exhaled as I tried relaxing even though doing that sounded quite impossible.

"Why are you guys here? don't you have work to do??" I whispered out as I buried my face in Nana's floofy hair.

"We're here to help you out cuz we care about you. Now stop thinking you don't deserve this and just enjoy the warmth you deserve because you're our angel." Jeno said, running a hand through my hair as he pinched Nana's cheeks making the boy let out a whine.

We were just enjoying each other's presence when the door swung open, revealing four guys with shopping bags, who looked like they ran a mile...

"INJUN GE! WE'RE HE- oh..." the loud but panicked voice startled the three of us on the bed as I whipped my head to the source. You have no idea how happy I was when I saw him. Jumping up from the bed I launched myself at the younger, who happened to be taller than me for unfortunate reasons, as he caught me and hugged me while I buried my face in the crook of his neck mumbling an 'I missed you'.

"I missed you too Renjun ge..."

I lifted my head up and was met with a Hyukie and Mark looking at me with heart eyes and a Jisung glaring into my soul. Confused as to why he was doing that, I tilted my head to my side to question him. It took me a second before I realized why. I was clinging onto his dear boyfriend. I quickly got out of Chenle's grip as I stumbled backwards, my back hitting Jaemin's chest as he caught me. It was Chenle's turn to look at me confused, as he turned around to see who was scaring the crap out of me as Jisung snaked his arm around his boyfriend's waist, pulling him close. I just bowed down, fear visible in my eyes.

Mark and his sunshine just laughed at the scene that had unwinded in front of them.

Did they really think my misery was that funny?!

Clearing my throat, I spoke up since the tension was so thick you could cut through it with kitchen scissors.

"So what brought you guys here??"

Hyuck shut his mouth so fast as he looked at me with wide eyes.

" EXcuSe mE- I'm here cuz my dear friend and also neighbor was so depressed and sad and little Jeno over here called us over and we came right by since you were waaaayyyyy more important than shopping!" Hyuck replied, clearly offended.

I let out a small oh as I looked down at my feet. The tears. They were back. They dropped down, making the floor wet and the rest panic.

"Oh my god! Injunnie I didn't mean that!"
" Angel it's okayyyy!!!"
"Hyuck! You made him cry dumbass!!"
"Lele baby don't say that!"
"Comfort Renjun and stop attacking my sunshine!"
"I'm right here Angel...."

They all started talking over each other, some defending the other or just arguing. That just made me cry harder. They actually paused their dates just to come see me, and I'm here, crying like a dumb kid.

"I'm okay guys..." I squeaked out, my voice barely being heard over them trying to reassure me. I looked up, only to be crushed by all of them hugging me.

There was complete silence for about two entire minutes, which was mind-blowing since we were the loudest people alive. Well, honestly speaking I would say I was more civilized though.

The silence luckily didn't last long since all this lovey stuff made me feel all happy and fuzzy inside as I let out a squeal, happily hugging them tighter. We all just looked at each other, silently thanking the other, but we were interrupted, yet again, by a knock followed by more knocks on the door. Letting out a disappointed huff, I walked over as I opened the door to be met with three guys who had a box of sweets and a bag in their hands.


"Renjunnie! We heard you weren't feeling well so we got you some chocolates since we were hoping it would lift your mood up. Taeyong and Doyoung ge actually gave the plushie in the bag but ye... are you okay??"

Yangyang, Xiaojun and Hendery were standing in front of me, the popular couple known for their poly-relationship. I knew Yangyang because he was Mark's roommate and I just kinda got introduced to his boyfriends. They are hilarious and goofy as hell but who knew they could be so worried and serious.

"Thank you so much Yangyang!! And you too Xiaojun and Hendery ge! I'm feeling better now! I'll make sure to thank Yongie and Doyoungie hyung later when I see them. But really though... this means a lot to me. Thank you sooooo much for caring!" I bowed down as Xiaojun ruffled my hair. Taking the things from their hands I bowed at them as they left telling me they had to go meet a few teachers and had club activities.

I ran back to the hall as I jumped up and down showing the guys the chocolate and the Moomin plushie I got. They all had a big smile on their face as they just stared at me. My eyes met Jeno's but his gaze was different than the others. He looked kinda pissed... Maybe it was just the anxiety talking. Ignoring it, I opened up the box of chocolates as I passed it around.

The rest of the evening was just me back to working on my major project with the help of Jaemin, cuz he didn't want me to work alone, and Xiaojun since he was a second-year art major. Jeno left somewhere early in the evening and wasn't back home yet.

It was just 7:00. Jeno wasn't back yet... I asked Nana if he knew where he was but all I got was a 'He's probably eating out or just hanging out in the basketball court angel.' I didn't think much about it and just made dinner for him, Nana, and me. I was going to stay up, waiting for Jeno to come back but unfortunately, Jaemin forced me to sleep but I wouldn't really complain since I got to hear him sing and cuddle me to sleep.

Sweet dreams...

or not? .......


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