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*Narrator's POV*

The two boys stepped out of the club as the not heartbroken boy saw a taxi, as he waved at it to stop. The taxi slowed down as it came to a stop, the door opening to welcome the boys. They got on as Renjun made sure Chenle was seated safe and sound before facing the driver to tell him the address, but froze in his spot when he saw the person in the driver's seat.


They reached the university as they stepped out, both of them bowing at the driver as Injun paid the person before bowing down one last time as he dragged Chenle through the gates.

Lele was clinging onto the shorter as they walked towards the dorm. He felt a bit uncomfortable cuz everyone was staring at him, hypnotized by his ✨beauty✨.

"Ge?" Mumbled Chenle against Injun's arm.

"Yes Lele?" Replied to the boy as he looked at him, giving him a reassuring smile that really made Chenle feel at ease.

(Injun's smile is beautiful and you can NEVER say otherwise)

(Injun's smile is beautiful and you can NEVER say otherwise)

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"Can we walk a bit faster? Everyone's staring..."

"Yes baby" replied the Chinese.
(Other Chinese cuz they both Chinese and I forgot-)

Chenle mumbled a small thank you as they walked a tiny bit faster, as they walked straight to Injun's room. Getting in, Renjun realized that the two cute boys he saw at the start of the day weren't there anymore. He ignored that and focused on the most important thing. Whooping this Jisung's ass as soon as he talks to him. He directed Chenle to his room as he followed right behind him.

"Baby Chenle, can I please have his number? I just wanna talk to him."

"Maybe. After you tell me why your door if the only thing colored lavender in this entire tiny house?"

"Lele. eye..." said the owner of the room with the lavender 🚪 door, as he sighed. "I don't know... Now the number please?"

"Fineee. It's 060 9453 5359"

"Thank you for being so cooperative my little dolphin 🐬!" Replied Injun with a wide grin.

Fishing his phone out his pocket, Renjun dialed the number as he waited for this bitch of a cheater to pick up.

*Ring Rung Rang 📞 *

"Hello, Park Jisung speaking." the person picking up the phone started.

"PARK JISUNG MY ASS YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! YOU HURT MY BABY CHENLE AND hAVE THE NERVE To  'HI MY NAME IS PARK JISUNG' ME?!!" Renjun yelled at his phone making the kinda sober dolphin 🐬 flinch.

"Ge..." a shocked lele started only to be cut off by a very umm... fUrious Renjun.

"NO LELE! THIS BITCH NEEDS TO KNOW HE'S ABOUT TO FUCKING DIE! I.AM.FURIOUS!" Renjun yelled unintentionally at the boy.

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