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*Taeyong's POV*

I'm at school. It's 6:30 in the morning. I'm wayyyy too early and my trusty colleague is probably gonna be coming in at like 8:00 or 9:00. Why was here so early? I lost a bet. That dumbass of a friend asked me if the tower of terror was in Disneyland or Disneysea. My stubborn self said Disneyland with so much confidence. I can't believe I agreed to bet my sleep for a dumb question. So that's how I ended up here. Now I shall take a short nap since what student would come to school at this time??


*RiiiNngggg-* the desk bell rang through my ears as I opened my eyes that I had just closed. I was met with two boys, probably both the same age, looking at me with a smile plastered on their beautiful faces. To be called beautiful by me is a flex cuz I live with an entire Jaehyun.

The slightly shorter of the two stepped forward, extending his hand out towards me. "Good morning! I'm Na Jaemin! Nice to meet you Mr...?"

"Lee Taeyong. You can call me Taeyong. What's the other angel's name?"

"Lee Jeno. Nice to meet you." Said the addressed boy, his voice deep yet so calm and soothing.

"Mmm. Gimme a minute. I'm still half asleep." I said chucking, trying to shake the sleepiness out of my body.

"For Na Jaemin, room.128 and Lee Jeno, room.127! Hope you enjoy yourselves since it's a free day today. If you happen to have any queries, you can come back here!" I stated, passing them their keys before waving them goodbye.

Now Sleep.

I think I slept for about an entire hour before I felt someone shake me. Not thinking much about it, I adjusted my position to get a bit more comfortable but felt the hard ground and my drowsy body making contact.

"Owww... who the fu- Doie!" Getting up as my eyes widened at the perfectly built tall male as I got on my feet, giving him a hug for coming earlier than he could've come.

"Oh my gawd you're here! I'm dead."

"I got cookies... Johnny baked them... I thought I'd give you one if you were doing your work but you weren't so you know what that means right?"

I stomped my feet as I let out a frustrated whine, facing away from Doyoung since I was angry. 😤

"Fine! I didn't want it anyway! I'm gonna go do work. BYE!" I yelled at him even tho he probably wasn't affected by it, by the looks of it. He just smirked at me as he took out his box of cookies and stuffed one in his mouth, looking at me for a reaction, which I unfortunately gave which just made things better for him.

I was gonna pounce at him when the desk bell rang again. Turning around, I saw a handsome guy in a white t-shirt that seemed a bit tight as it was hugging the boy's body and black jeans. I wasn't in the mood to deal with a human so I just looked over at Doyoung, signaling him to take care of the kid.

As he walked over to the boy, an idea popped into my mind. My eyes darted around the room as it landed on the box of cookies. Slowly, with my ninja skills, I got the box as I hid it under my stuff. I walked to the where the boy and Doyoung were talking to seem less suspicious.

"Hi thereee! Lee Taeyong! And you are?" I started a small conversation.

"Mark Lee from Canada. Thank you for your help, Mr.Kim! And bye Mr.Lee!" the boy in the white shirt waved as he walked away.

After the boy left I turned to face Doyoung only to find him glaring at me already.

"I'm only gonna ask once... Where.Are.My.Box.Of.Cookies. You better tell me Lee fucking Taeyong. Those were from Johnny and if I found out you ate them without permission, Oh! You are NOT gonna get outta here ALIVE!" He said, taking slow steps towards me as I kept taking a step backward. Just when he was about to get me in a headlock, the sound of a person clearing their throat was heard as both our eyes looked over at the source of the sound.
Straightening myself, I took this as a chance to live a bit longer as I went to attend the boy.

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