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*Renjun's POV*

"Ge! Why you mad?? Is it cuz I'm here without you?? Hehe." The little devil replied.

"I said address. NOW!"

I grabbed my wallet and stomped out of the room and struggled to put on my shoes while trying to understand what lele was saying on the other side.

Describing me as being pissed and disappointed is an understatement.

I honestly forgot about the two cute looking guys in the corner of the living room.
Hold up... cute?! Nope. No no no. Hell no. Now I'm gonna ignore my thoughts and get a taxi so that I can whoop that cute brat's ass.

I ran out of the gate, dodging anyone and anything that came in sight. I just gave a clumsy bow at those who i startled. Turning to my left I ran until I got to main road. I waited, till I could see a taxi, 🚕 in the far distance. I walked towards it as I was waving my hand so that the dude driving would be able to see my midget self instead of driving past me. I speak from past experiences...

I think I looked crazy judging by the look on a few people's faces. Well Karen, it's not MY fault for being short and having a reckless friend who's at a fucking strip club.

The taxi dude thankfully slowed down near me as I literally threw myself into the back seat.

"Yellow Wood club near PYJ department store please. Quick." I rambled out trying to remember the place Chenle mentioned.

"Umm, sure. Seatbelt on please cuz we're going on a trip~ in our favorite-"

"GO!" I basically screamed at the driver when he started singing. Rude but I have a bit of a problem now ye see...

" I'm sorry. I'm in a hurry cuz my dumb friend is drunk over at that club and he's not supposed to be there. Ethically speaking. I kinda need to drag him out and try and knock some sense into him. The faster the better. For all of us." I said softly with wide smile on my face, freaking out the driver a bit more.

Vroom vroom 🏎 *🎤*

At the speed of light, we reached the place as the driver pulled over with a screech. I gave him a 100$ note and got my ass out of there after yelling a loud thank and sorry at the poor man.

I'm now standing in front of the club. Two buff security guards staring down at me. I pulled out my id cuz no one's gonna believe me if I tell them I'm a 20 year old.

"Hi there two big guys! I kinda need to get in there cuz my friend is in there and he's not supposed to be in there cuz ye see... university... so may I get my ass in there to whoop his ass?" I said with a cute smile.

"Su-sure. I'll accompany you!" One of the guards stuttered.

I have acquired control. Now time to attack...

"Thank you hottie!" I said as I winked at him and waved at the other.

With a proud smirk on my face, i clinged onto the guard's meaty arm as we made our way into the unholy venue.

The place was dark and was lit by the lights that lit up a stage. well that's a very 'holy' scene, I thought with an awkward smile plastered on my face, after seeing a few kinda old men and women in their 30's or 40's drinking, and basically all over each other.

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