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*Johnny's POV*

I woke up as I went straight to the bathroom to freshen up. It was quite early in the morning and I had to get ready for my new job. I put on a black suit as I looked as professional as I could as I wrote down a note for my sweet fiancé since he was still asleep and I didn't want to disturb my sleeping beauty. I stuck the note on the box of choco chip cookies 🍪 I had baked the night before as I walked out of the house and went to the company.

I did run a bakery that goes by the name Bread. It has a special place in my heart, that name. Since I was quite bored with just running a bakery I thought I'd try out for a new job. So here I was, in front of a pretty big building as I walked through the door to the reception. There was a lady that was on her phone but put in down when she notice me.

"Name please."

"Johnny Suh" I replied to the women as she clicked-clacked on the keyboard and then faced me, grabbing one of the keys from a drawer.

"Car 721127. Your shift ends at 3" the women said as she gave me the keys and a ticket.

"Thank you!" I said as I walked to the parking lot with all the taxies.

Walking up to the taxi, I got in as I set up my things. I took the route along the main road so that I could probably try getting my first customer. I was driving for a while when I saw a kid or an adult? waving his hands aggressively trying to grab my attention. Wow. I didn't think I'd get to pick up someone so quick. I slowed down as the boy basically threw himself into the back seat as he rapped out the address. Honestly, I was in a really good mood and he just looked adorable.

"Yellow Wood club near PYJ department store please. Quick." He rambled out.

"Umm, sure. Seatbelt on please cuz we're going on a trip~ in our favorite-" I sang back as a reply but I shut my mouth when he yelled back.

"GO!" The boy screamed making me flinch a bit.

I think the boy noticed as he started explaining himself but still seemed pissed. He had this creepy-ish smile that honestly creeped my out. I just looked ahead as I got to the place since I've heard of it. After about 15 minutes or so, I stopped in front of the department store near the club. The boy got off as he paid and yelled a thank you and a sorry. I just nodded since I did not wanna die just yet.

First customer of the day is crossed out of today's to do list. Time to drive along the main road in hopes for a less pissed customer. I was about to turn on the radio, when I heard my phone ring. Parking near a curb I looked at the caller id as I got excited!

*Suh Doyoungie💚*

Picking up the phone I heard the voice of an angel.

"Thank you! you fucking giant! Love you sooo much and don't die. Stay safe and pleaseeee get back home in one piece since I'll be dealing with humans the entire day and probably would pass out the second I get back home. I love youuuuu! Byeeee!!!!"

I replied with an "I love you too my little bunn—" only to be hung up on. I guess a random student probably showed up. It was the first day of uni for many, so understandable. I sighed as I felt all fuzzy thinking about how I got to meet, date and even propose to such ✨perfection✨.

Time to go around the place again! I told myself as I turned on the radio.

*🎶 My body's calling, calling~~🎶 *

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