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*Shotaro's POV*

I pulled my pouty boyfriend out the room of guys of assorted ages, as we were walking through the dorm's corridor.

"They didn't invite me dumpling! How could they?!"

I sighed as I smiled at my boyfriend.

"They are closer Channie~ we have to go meet our dance instructor anyway, remember??"

My boyfriend let out a dramatic gasp as he leaned on me, almost making me fall and get crushed by his tall structure.

"Come onnn!!! We were supposed to meet him 10 minutes ago!"

"Fineee my baby dumpling!" Saying that, I saw Sungchan skip ahead as he waited for me to join as I just speed walked, trying to keep up and....I was doing a terrible job...

After walking through the not so crowded hall ways, I caught up to Jung Sungchan only to see him walking out the dance studio, his eyes wide open and cheeks flushed red. I didn't think skipping could make people that tired. Well I guess in life you gotta expect the unexpected!

I gave him a smile as I was about to open the door open but was pulled back. I looked at Sungchan as I tilted my head, questioning him. In return, he just shook his head.

"Channie... we need to go in... why are you stopping me and why are you soo red?? Do you have a fever?!" I panicked as I reached out my hand to his forehead to check his temperature but he just stepped backwards. I was getting a bit worried as I gave him a frown.

"I'll just tell Mr. Wong you weren't feeling well. Wait here." Saying that I swung the door open slowly as heard a faint 'no!' From Sungchan, but chose to ignore it.

BIG mistake. I stood frozen at the scene in front of me. I opened my mouth to say something but not a word came out. I just heard my dance instructor let out a nervous chuckle as I felt the corners of my lip slightly try to make what people call a smile. Didn't work out. Suddenly, I was pulled out the room, the door closing, as I was picked up and carried like I was a sack of potatoes. I wanted to make a fuss at Sungchan for carrying me when we were at school but my brain had blanked out.

I was placed on a table in a random empty class as Sungchan squished my cheek, his face extremely close to mine.

"Baby dumpling! You didn't see anything there. Look at me. Snap back!"

It sounded all so distant...

And I was caught off guard when I felt a pair of soft, plump lips on my own. I pulled back but went back in for another since it thought I would've offended my baby but I guess his sole purpose for kissing me was to snap me out of my daze. His eyes were wide, like a deer caught in headlights... I slowly felt him kiss back as I smiled into the kiss. We slowly pulled back as my eyes fluttered open, starring into Sungchan's beautiful ones. My cheeks were burning red but gotta savor this breathtaking moment.

"Let's go back to our dorm and continue okay?"

I pulled away from him as I started at him, completely baffled at what he had just suggested. I covered my body with my hands as I gasped dramatically, like he always did.

"What happened dumpling?"

"Huh?" I took my hands away from my body as I just looked at him confused when he scared me with his crazy loud gasp as he covered his own body for some reason. I furrowed my eyebrows as I gave him a look.

"What was my baby dumpling thinking?! You can't violate my precious body like that baby! I just wanted to continue our choreography! Oh My GOD! YOU NEED HOLY JEZUS!"

And with that he ran out. It took me a good 5 seconds to proces what he said as I slapped my forehead in annoyance and regret for thinking whatever. Guess he has a death wish...



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