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*Jaemin's POV*

Renjun wasn't there. I saw Jeno break down into a sobbing mess. I was pale. So pale you would think I was a ghost. I felt my heart drop at the thought of Renjun being alone. Over the past three months, Jeno and I kept a close watch on him. He needed to be protected. Protected from them. They were out there and if they find out about Renjun, it was not gonna end well. We were doing great at protecting our little angel until today. Maybe I was overthinking it. Maybe he just went over to my room. I shouldn't have left him...

I couldn't breathe properly. It was so hard to breathe. My breath was sucked out of my lungs as I stared into nothing... I heard the door burst open but it sounded so far away. I waited for a voice to identify itself, but I didn't hear anything. Instead of the voice I was hoping to hear, I heard Jeno, who was in front of me speak.

"Renjun... Jaeminnie... I'm seeing Renjun standing behind you..."

I wanted to see him. I was hoping to hear him speak up right now. My brain was overflowing with every single negative thought.  Right when I thought Jeno was probably just hallucinating, I heard him.

"I'm right here..."

He's right here. Jaemin he's right here. I thought to myself as I was about to slowly turn around but I froze when I heard a bang.


Please no. It's not real. He's still there. Don't turn Jaemin. Don't turn. It's not gonna be nice.


That managed to snap me out but not fully. I felt my body move on its own as I went straight to to the kotatsu to get the phone. I called the first person I could think of.

Ring, ring, ring...

"Jaeminnie...it's so late...what happened?" A sleepy voice said.

"Renjun.... bleeding....taxi need now...please...." I said, words barely making its way out of my mouth.

"I'm coming. stay right there. I'll be there as fast as I can."

"okay hyung..." I replied as I just hung up and walked over to where Jeno was holding up Renjun. I grabbed his arm as I pulled him with me to the white gates. No guard. There was no guard at the gate...

Jeno was still sobbing but I just stood there, a blank expression painting my still pale face. No one had woken up. It was a Saturday today. Most of the teachers and students go back home. That's probably why. Out of all the days, today was so empty. Not a soul.

I realized that Renjun was bleeding and if he loses too much blood he would die. I snapped my head to look at Renjun but realized a cloth tied securely across the wound. I looked at Jeno. Guess he really was the strong and mature one out of the both of us.

I turned to look at the road again but instead, I was blinded by lights. Blocking the light with my hands, I saw someone walk towards us.

"I'm here get him in quick!" he hastily said as he pulled on my arm. I nodded as I dragged Jeno as we got into the back seat.

"Nana...What happened?"

"Johnny hyung... They found us. They found him. I was supposed to stay with him but I went out to look for Jeno. It's all my fault. I don't deserve to li--"

"Don't you dare say that. Na Jaemin. They were gonna find out sooner or later. I want you to breathe and just be there for him and Jeno. I told Doyoungie I had to go attend to some important business so I could stay with you three. Don't worry. I'm here."

After driving at the speed limit for a good 8 minutes, we reached one of the nearest hospitals. With Jeno running with a Renjun in hand, I rushed over to the receptionist as I explained what happened. A few nurses rushed over as they took Renjun to the ER. I had to hold back Jeno so that he wouldn't barge through the doors.

We were waiting in the waiting room hoping to hear from the doctors. It was really quiet, but it was broken when a nurse came running to us.

"We need blood. O+ve. Anybody? We need it in the next 15 minutes or so and we don't have any in stock. Or you would have to go to a blood bank but it's too far away..."

My mind went blank for a second before I realized. O+ve... Chenle and Jisung mentioned they were the same blood beings. As inaccurate of a name that was, it wasn't easy to forget.

"Chenle and Jisung. They both have O+ve. Jeno baby call Chenle, I'll call Jisung. Quick!"

I pulled out my phone as I rang up Jisung.

One ring, two rings, three ri-

"Hello hyung?...."

"Jisung to Dream Hospital right now. Renjun needs blood. Get Chenle too. Please. He got shot. I'll fill you in later."

"I'm on my way."

That's all I heard before the line went dead.

5 minutes went by and now I was starting to panic now. I felt the ground shaking or maybe it was my legs. I felt my windpipe closing, making it hard to breathe,

"HYUNG! I'M HERE!" a voice yelled through the corridor. There stood Jisung and a half-asleep Chenle, still in their pajamas, running towards us. Jisung looked over at the ER door as he tilted his head to the side, asking if that's where he was. I just nodded my head as I saw Jisung pull Chenle with him as the two disappeared past the white doors.

I sat down on the cold hard floor as I clasped m hands together for a prayer.

"To whoever's listening please make sure my angel survives or I will dig my way out of hell up to heaven and hunt you down. Thank you."

I sighed as I buried my head between my knees, hugging myself.

I felt a hand run through my hair.

"It's all my fault Johnny hyung. I knew they found out and yet I really took a dumb risk to go find Jeno when I know he'll be okay... I'm so stupid...I'm so so stupid..."

"Hush Nana...Go sit with Jeno. He's been sobbing for so long. He needs you. I know you think you aren't strong but you are. Trust me. He'll be okay. Jisung and Chenle are here. You know Jisung knows about them. He'll be more than happy to help you out. They did mess up your life for the sake of the three of your pretty faces..."

I just nodded tiredly as I dragged my feet to my boyfriend. I sat on his lap as I just lifted his chin, making him look into my eyes. I felt tears at the brim of my eyes as they rolled down slowly. I looked at Nono's beautiful lips as I stared at them as I leaned in to connect mine with his. It wasn't aggressive or lustful like most of our make out sessions... It was more of a thank you and a I'm grateful for your existence kind of a kiss. Our lips fitted like puzzle pieces but I swear there was one piece still missing.

Renjun....Our missing puzzle piece...


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