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*Renjun's POV*

I suddenly woke up, cold sweat soaking up my clothes. I looked around trying to find Jaemin or Jeno but the room was dark with just the lamp next to me turned on.

I searched for my phone but couldn't find it but saw Jaemin's laying near the kotatsu. I grabbed it to check the time. 11:00 it read. Jeno wasn't back home...

I got up as I didn't know who to call. After thinking, more like panicking, I thought It'd be a good idea to go knocking on Haechan's door hoping to find Jaemin or someone.

Not even bothering to put on shoes since the room was just next door, I walked as I knocked a bit hard since Hyuck was probably sound asleep. My feet were cold and I shivered a bit because of the chilly breeze. Jeno was out there somewhere in this cold and he probably isn't even dressed up properly... that just made me panic more. I had a worried look on my face as the door slowly creaked open to show a half-asleep Haechan, his hair all over the place looked at me.

"Injun?... what happened?.... it's like the middle of the ni—"

"Is Jaemin inside?" I cut him off since I was really impatient.

"Umm... no... I thought he was going to sleepover at your room with Jeno..."

"Lee Haechan this isn't funny. I swear to god if this is a prank I will fuc-"

"It's past 11:00 and if both of those aren't here then they are probably out on a late-night date. Let it be. You can come sleep with me tonight if that'd help you sleep. I promise they're okay. I'm so sleepy and I think you should seriously sleep cuz you look like you gonna legit pass out any second."

Thinking about it for a bit it didn't sound like a bad idea as I slowly nodded my head.

"Okay... sorry for ruining your sleep..."

"Heyyyy! It's no big deal. I would be worried too if my boyfriend was suddenly not here. Come in."

I walked into the darkroom as Haechan took my hand, leading me to Jaemin's mattress. I sat down on it as I saw Haechan's silhouette lay down on his own.

"Night night Injunnie..."

"Night night Channie..."

I felt my eyes close, as I detached myself from this world filled with suffering and misery. To dreamland. Here I go...


It was probably around one or two in the morning when I heard a scream from next door that startled me as I sat up. I looked over at Hyuck and realized he was deep asleep. I was going to go back to sleep thinking it probably wasn't anything serious. Right when I was gonna cuddle myself to sleep the muffled scream of Jeno? was heard from next door.


I froze when I heard my name. Quickly getting on my feet I dashed out of the room as I burst through the door that was blocking my way to the source of my happiness. I stood there as I saw a pale Jaemin and a sobbing Jeno. I never felt more relieved.

They were safe. They were in one piece. They didn't run away without me.

I wanted to walk to them, run to them, and just hug them tight and never let go, but my feet wouldn't move. I tried speaking but I couldn't. I felt my lips move but no words spoken out aloud.

I just stared at the two messes in front of me.

"Renjun... Jaeminnie... I'm seeing Renjun standing behind you..."

That voice. THAT snapped out of my paralyzed state.

Taking in a deep breath to calm myself down I looked straight into Jeno's brown watery orbs.

"I'm right here..."

Before I could say more I heard a loud bang as I felt something sharp stab me from the back.


I saw Jeno run towards me but I never saw him reach me since I felt my body go limp and everything go dark.


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