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*⚠️smut warning⚠️* if you is uncomfortable with stuff like this, skip this chapter dear friend. And yes. I broke that rule at the very beginning of the book where I said I'll be avoiding smut...This is probably triggering so PLEASE don't read it if you're uncomfortable.*

*Jaemin's POV*

Walking over to the closet, it took me a while to rummage through the pile of clothes as a black box finally caught my eye. Bending over, I reached for it as I turned around to see a once breathless Renjun slowly starting to calm down. Jeno was way too lenient with this little devil of ours. Sometimes, you gotta show them who's the real alpha.

I threw the box on the bed as it bounced a bit, the lid coming off due to the impact. A few of the contents fell out, catching both the males, cuddling on the bed look over.

"Since someone was being a bitch, today we'll be seeing what happens to those bitches..."

I walked over to the bed and stopped near the edge, motioning my hand at the tiny kitten, curled up on Jeno's lap, to come towards me. Crawling too slow for my own liking, Renjun finally made his way in front of me as he kneeled on the mattress, looking down at his hands playing with the hem of his skirt.

"Baby, look at me."

My finger lifting his face up by his chin, I was met with a Renjun, his eyes glossy, neck a bit bruised and body littered with red and purple bites from me and Jeno. Beauty at a glance.

I glanced at the box as I signaled Jeno to get me a few things. I saw him give me a small smile as he picked up the scattered objects.

Taking the pretty lavender-colored lace that Jeno passed to me, I turned my pretty kitty around as I pressed his face against the mattress, tying his delicate arms behind him, the lace in a bow.

With his face pressed against the soft mattress, hip propped up with his hands tied back in a bow, and the skirt exposing his pretty ass, he looked ready to be ravished.

"Angel... Look at yourself. Looking so fucking pathetic."

I leaned down to his ear as I whispered, rubbing a finger between his ass. I felt him shudder underneath me, making me let out a chuckle.

"Jeno. Pass me that."

I turned on the vibrator I was handed as I squeezed some lube on the top. I turned it off as I pressed its tip in between his ass, slowly swirling it as he let out a whine. He propped his hips up higher, moving backward, trying to get the most of the teasing.

I wasn't gonna give in so quick. Hell no!

I opened the bottle of lube again as I spilled some, where the vibrator was placed as I saw it slide down his arched back, somehow arching more.

"Ya! Jaeminnn~ stop fucking teasing me you, drama addict."

Well, that seemed to do the thing. I pulled the vibrator away, that I was gonna insert in him slowly, but that was before he thought it was gonna be a good idea being such a needy slut.

A loud whine escapes his lips as I reached for the gag that was scattered amongst the other toys on the bed. Getting a chocker and leash in the process, I wasted no time putting them around his neck as pulled him up. His back hit my hard chest, the lube glistening on my abs.

I made him wear the gag, cutting off his constant needy whines. Pulling his head back, my hands tangled in his hair as I locked eyes with his teary ones.

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