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*Renjun's POV*

I remember wearing a shirt and jeans... not a purple hoodie and the basketball shorts I had bought probably an hour ago... I looked good anyway so I guess it's no problem...

I was actually abruptly woken up with a kiss on my lips from both Jeno and Jaemin.

Just kidding they turned up the volume of their phone as they played a video they had somehow gotten, of me singing in the shower.
Scared the sleep out of me instantly I must say. 3/10 for efficiency.

"When did i change??"

"A while ago" Jeno answered out of nowhere, scaring me.

"Did I say that out loud?"

Jeno nodded as I saw him get out the car and walk to get the door on my side. He opened it wide as he looked me with a his smile that melted my heart.

I got out as I bowed down in elegance. We locked arms as we walked back to the dorms. A few greeted us while a few were just squealing at the view of Jeno in a shirt, first two buttons undone, showing the hickies I had given. It seemed like there were a few more, as I imagined Jaemin giving them. The image making my face burn up catching Jeno's attention.

"Is it hot angel?"

I panicked as I just tiptoed and pecked his lips and buried my face into his arms, making sure not to make eye contact with him.

"Where's Nana?" I mumbled out, but it was still clearly heard by Jeno as I heard him hum, a content smile plastered on his face.

"Already in the room"

We were in front of the dorm's room when he replied as we just stood there. I loved this room. It has so many weird memories and I don't think I'll ever forget them.

"Are we not going in?" I questioned the taller as he looked lost in his own thoughts. I pulled at the hem of his shirt, catching his attention finally.

"Let's go in?"

I saw him visibly gulp as he looked at me smiled.

"Lezz get it."


Walking in I was met with a dark room but knowing Nana, it was normal for me.

"Nana~ we're backkk~~"

I took off my shoes as I walked in waiting to be engulfed in a hug but instead I tripped over something as I fell face first on the floor.
I was supposed to but Jeno pulled me back into his arms. Now that I think about it, that's so cliche and romantic... so I pushed him as I fell on the floor, my back hitting first as I had braced my head.

A frantic Jeno came to look at my dumbass on the floor.

"Omg angel! What was that!?"

I just chuckled at him as I got up on my feet as I pecked his cheek.

"I'm okay. Don't worry."

"But you-"

Sighing, I pulled him to our living room but was pulled back as I was facing Jeno.


Aaaand I was shut up with a hurried kiss from the male. Favoring the moment, I kissed back still being confused and clueless as ever.

We stopped to catch our breath as I stared at him, waiting for an explanation. We couldn't really see each other's faces properly cuz of the darkness but I saw him tense.

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