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*Chenle's POV*

Ring rang rung ☎️

"Chenle speaking... who's this?" I croaked out, not caring to open my eyes but a cute giggle from the other side of the line made me sit up.

"Hi Lele!! It's your dearest ge, Huang Renjun! And I have a request."

By now I was fully awake as I walked over to the bathroom to freshen up.

"Mmm... what is it?"

"I'm outside so please open the door~~"

I was brushing my teeth as I walked over to the front door to see my boyfriend watching something. I shook my head at his unbothered ass, as I unlocked the door to see my best friend standing there with a suitcase in hand.

"wha haphnned?! whh tha hmph?!"
*translation: what happened? what the fuck?*

I yelled out but my brush was still in my mouth making it sound like gibberish. Renjun pushed me aside as he marched in like he owned the place. I turned around to see him chilling on the sofa with a Jisung who didn't seem to care either. What was happening?....

I was gonna throw hands but you gotta be fresh to be ready for a fight. I made my way back to the bathroom as it took me a while to take a bath and stuff. Around an hour and more.

I was drying my hair with a towel, as I walked out, ready to whoop the two boys' asses only to see the table set up with food with my boyfriend standing there with a proud smile on his face with a tiny Renjun who was casually holding a knife... That crept me out a bit but it's Renjun we're talking about...

"What's goin on?..." I trailed off as the door randomly burst open.


I flinched as I stumbled back, fear evident in my eyes as I felt my butt hit the hard floor.

"Oww..." I winced when I tried to get up. I felt a pair of arms pick me up as I was slowly placed on one of the chairs in front of the feast laid out on the table.

My mouth watered at the sight in front of me but then I turned to face the person who had yelled so loud, that I felt my heart stop for an entire second.

"Lee Jeno... and don't expect any honorifics... What the hell was that?! AND IT'S NOT MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY!" I yelled out as I crossed my arms and faced Renjun with a mean glare.

"Serve angel boy."


No one moved a muscle and that pissed me off as I huffed, serving myself as I aggresively munched on the food. Maybe I was being too harsh? But they DID walk into my house like they owned the place, didn't give two fucks about my existence and gave me a heart attack that led to my butt getting hurt... I guess I wasn't harsh enough.

The entire time I was eating, everyone was just staring at me. It was uncomfortable but meh... The food was good. Jeno's mouth was watering and the other three present in the room had a pout on their faces as they were just staring at the gorund.

*honestly, fuck these humans...*

I picked my plate as I walked past Renjun to keep in the sink. Grabbing a spoon and a tub of ice cream from the freezer, I got comfy on the sofa. Putting a spoon of ice cream in my mouth, I turned on the TV.

"So... are you guys just gonna keep standing orrrr...?"

"Chenle-ssi! I hope you enjoyed your meal! We actually are in need of a favor. I mean you don't have to if you don't wanna but like.... it's just a harmless thought! It's all up to you oh great sire! You are dearly loved don't worry!!! Ha... ha... so. Like. You don't have to if you don't wanna. It's-"

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