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*Jeno's POV*

I heard the door open but didn't bother looking at the person until I heard the voice.

"Jeno and Jaemin hyung..."

Jaemin was the first to react as he ran towards the younger, tackling him in a hug. I just sat there, blanking out again.

"Hyung- can't.breathe." Said Jisung, visibly getting red.

"I'm sorry..." Jaemin said, loosening his grip about but not letting go.

I'm sorry... that's all I kept telling everyone. I'm sorry Renjun. I'm sorry Jaemin. I'm sorry Johnny. I'm sorry Jisung. I'm sorry for dragging you guys into this mess. It was all my fault. If only. If only I had picked up my parent's call that evening. If only I knew something terrible would precede after their passing. But I couldn't predict the future back then nor can I right now. All I know is actions have consequences and my life was the consequence of my parents mistakes. I did have a bit to do with my own consequence but it wasn't calculated.

My eyes trailed from the reunion and back to the still body of Renjun on the bed, the wires and patches stuck all over his body in hope of bringing him back from his zombified state. I slowly took the pale hand of my lover as I gave it a small peck and held onto it. A single tear rolled down my check, trailing down my neck. It was warm compared to the hand I held.

"I'm sorry Renjun..."

Suddenly I felt more than one pair of arms engulfing me in a hug. I closed my eyes as I just cherished this moment. Right when we were about to get more comfortable the sound of someone clearing their throat caught the guys and my attention. A nurse with a clipboard stood there, waiting for us to part.
When she noticed us breaking apart she pointed at the board on the door.

~Visiting hours end at noon~

Letting out a sad sigh I gave the nurse a sad smile as I nodded, signaling for the rest to go out. I saw Jaemin place a soft kiss on Injunnie's forehead as Chenle just whispered something I couldn't catch as I caught Jisung close his eyes, hands clasped, for a quick prayer for his hyung.

All because of me. All these people had to be affected. They did nothing wrong. This whole situation was a mess. An entire mess to say the least.

I hope...


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