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*Narrator's POV*

"Can my favorite couple hurry up please?? We're gonna be late at this rate... I still need to practice my speech and you, dear Renjun-ssi needs to help with the decorating!"

Groaning, the three, Renjun and his two boyfriends slowly untangled themselves from each other as they went to the closet to get their uniforms.


Hearing the furious Haechan yell, the three sped up their dilly-dallying as they ran to get ready.

"Knock knock?" The voice of a piece of art, snapped Haechan's attention away from his phone as he ran to get the door. Opening it, he was met with the sight of a Mark Lee in a black and white suit, his hair slightly slicked back and his face basically glowing, handsomeness overflowing.

"Sunshine... you're drooling..."

"Huh? Bible of bananas? Holy Jisoo- I is indeed noice! Now gotta go flower my flowers! Ciao mi amor!"

Turning around, Haechan bumped into a slightly shorter male as the two fell, with Haechan on top.

"You're. Crushing. Me. Can't. Breathe-" the struggling voice of Renjun was heard under Haechan as he rolled off the angel.

After finally being able to breathe, Renjun looked at the person at the door as he was met with....

"JEZuS wHo? Oh ma gawD.... Is thee Mork Lee?! My eyes! Oh my dear dear eyes have been blessed. Oh sweet lord!"

Hearing all the ruckus in the living room, Jeno and Jaemin got out the bathroom with a few of their buttons undone and their tie hanging loosely around their necks.

"Is everyone okay?! What's going on?? Did one of y'all kill someone??"

The frantic voice of Jaemin somehow made Renjun get back to reality as he wiped the bit of drool at the corner of his mouth as he faced the person who had spoken up.

What Renjun felt the moment he laid his eyes on the two was phenomenal. He felt his heart go boom boom and his tumtum twirl around like a washing machine. It felt like his entire body was on fireeeeee~

In the blink of an eye, Renjun literally pounced onto Jaemin tackling him down as he crashed his lips on the fallen.

Jeno stepped back as he just looked at his two boyfriends wrestling on the floor, but with their tongues...

Haechan, Mark and Jeno just watched Jaemin and Renjun making out, except Renjun was the one dominating, his hand tangled in Nana's tie as he pulled down the taller. Haechan seemed to lowkey enjoy the show while Mark was speechless. Jeno wanted to do something but he probably shouldn't. Not when two of their closest friends were staring with their mouth wide open.

Jeno cleared his throat, trying to catch one of the two's attention. It did, but not the way he wanted to. Renjun's gaze went from a disheveled Jaemin to Jeno. With a smirk on his face, Renjun slowly laid Jaemin down, his back on the floor and without breaking eye contact with Jeno, he sat on Jaemin as he slowly unbuttoned the rest of the shirt's buttons as it revealed the beautifully carved abs and v-line of the male, as he bent down to capture the lips of a Jaemin who was breathing hard, chest heaving up and down.

Jeno gulped hard, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as a drop of sweat dripped down his forehead . He looked over at Haechan who had taken out out his phone, taking a video and Mark frozen... he looked traumatized no shit.

Renjun was in THE zone and he was snapped out of it when he felt something poke his inner thigh as he heard the male under him moan out.

"Renjun- aah~~ graduation ngh~ late..." breathed out Jaemin somehow.

Renjun sat up properly as he pulled Jaemin up as he looked at the boy. Sweat dripping down his neck, his cheeks flushed and a few hickies down and below his collarbone and his breath unsteady, Jaemin looked at Renjun with a small smile as he rested his head on his angel's shoulder.

Jeno needed some of that but the situation and time didn't permit that. Taking in a breath he felt tight down there but they had to go now.

"Angel and Nana... go. need."

Nana chuckled as he got up, pulling the boy on his lap on his feet as he walked over to Jeno and placed a sweet kiss on his lips making him melt on the spot.

"Gimme a minute. I'll just fix myself." Jeno slightly nodded as Jaemin went back to the bathroom. Jeno faced Renjun to find him lookin hot but glaring at Haechan as he realized that Haechan was recording all this. His eyes trailed to mark as they both locked eyes. Mark will definitely never forget what he saw nor would he think of the small angel-looking thing as a sub or bottom. Nope. Definitely is terrified.

"Lee. Donghyuck. Phone. Now." The stren voice of Renjun was heard.

The normal Haechan would've teased the male or cracked a joke, but this Haechan handed over the phone the second it was asked for. Guess Mark wasn't the only one who was deeply scarred by what he had witnessed even though it seemed like Haechan had more of a new level of respect for Renjun now.

*I know I do...*

"I'm ready! Injunnie you need to get ready too. I'll help Jeno here." Saying that, Jaemin made his way to Jeno, dragging the red boy by his necktie to the study or the room with the lavender-colored door.

"Don't take too long baes! We already late as fuck!" Renjun yelled out after the two clicked the door close, as he went to the bathroom, totally ignoring Mark and Haechan's eyes on him. I mean... he's Huang Renjun the great...

"Sunshine... oh ma jEzus..."


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