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*Narrator's POV*

Today was a special day. Well, it's GOING to be a special day.

It's been a few weeks since all that chaos and everything was back to normal but not really... but there wasn't a major threat to anyone so we good. 😌

Ring rang rung 📞

"Pick up the phone damn chicken."

"Hello hyung- Lele baby wait. Jaemin hyung's on the phone."

"Do you have the flowers and the things ready?"

The sound of a toilet flushing caught Jisung's attention across the call.

"Hyung...where are you even calling from?"

"Umm...the mall's toilet cuz that's the only place where I can talk to you about it."

Jisung sighed at the 'drastic' measures his hyung was taking just to make this a surprise.

"Everything's ready. Got the cake and also the loads of lavender, roses and sunflowers... the balloons are there. All you have to do is get down on one knee with Jeno and punch line then propose. Doesn't sound that hard right? Cuz I did most of the work. With Markhyuck eating each other's faces in the kitchen but we're not gonna talk about that crap. Bye and get yo ass back quick. The cake is being hogged by these three chinese kids."

"The cake's what now?!!"

"Just come. Bye."

"Love youu!"

The line was silent as Jaemin was waiting for a reply.

"Where's my love you too??"

"Fuck you. I love Zhong Chenle. And ye ye I love you too. Bye" saying that, the line went dead.

Jaemin had a big smile on his face. Today was the day Jeno and he gets to make their little angel officially theirs. Getting out the stall, he washed his hands as he got out and went to the clothes shop Jeno and Rejun were at.

"I'm back!!"

Jaemin yelled quietly as he put his arms around Jeno and his other arm around Renjun's waist.

"Well then, welcome back from the public toilet Na Jaemin." Renjun said as he gave the jumpy boy a smile.

Jaemin just leaned down to place a soft quick peck on Injun's tempting lips as he skipped off to get something for the three of them.

Renjun had a pout on his face as he looked at Jeno.

"He keeps doing that and just runs off!! If you start something you need to finish it! And you don't even take part in the game when you said you would!!!"

Huffing, Renjun stomped over to a section that had a bunch of hoodies. He found a cute purple one that reminded him of his door (he's emotionally attached to it. don't ask) and got some basketball shorts as he made his way to the changing room. He was about to lock the door but a knock caught his attention.


Renjun let out a yelp as he was slammed against the door. He had his eyes shut since he was trembling because of the sudden action.

"Angel, it's me...." The deep voice of Jeno rang through his ears. He slowly opened his eyes as he let out the breath he was holding in as he relaxed a bit but his heart wasn't even close to relaxing. Smirking at the effect he had on the boy, Jeno started leaving soft kisses on his neck as he sucked on it and licked it as he did that over and over, leaving a purplish mark on his skin. Renjun was struggling to keep quiet as he had his hand over his mouth and was basically biting on it to make sure not a single sound would leave his mouth that would be considered unholy by society.

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