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*Narrator's POV*

"Good afternoon sir. We're calling from Dream Hospital. Are you the guardian of the patient Huang Renjun?"

Johnny stood there, scared, anxiety eating him alive. No one was paying attention to him on his phone and he really wanted to say something but he couldn't. Was he gone? Did he move? It seemed way too soon for him to move... these thoughts kept running through the taller's mind.

"Hello? Sir?" The nurse on the other end asked again.

"Y-yes?" Johnny replied as he put the phone on speaker so that the people in the room could hear the conversation. It obviously caught Jeno and Jaemin's attention as they froze, hoping for the nurse to say something.

They weren't ready for the worst but all they could do was hope for the best.

"One of his relatives have taken him in and are treating him at their house and we wanted to inform y—"

"Wait what- which relative? Is it possible for me to come to the hospital to get more details? Because we were never contacted by these relatives you mentioned..." Johnny was already at the entrance of his house, struggling to put on his shoes. Grabbing a coat he waited for the nurse to answer.

"Umm... yes sir. It's possible."

"I'm on my way. Thank you for informing us."

"Good day sir."

"Good day." Saying that, the line went dead as Johnny ran to his car.

Getting in the car, he was about to drive away but the voice of Jeno telling him to wait caught his attention. Opening the door, Jeno and Jaemin threw themselves into the back seat. Doyoung was also gonna step in but Johnny stopped him before he could.

"Baby bunny. I don't want you to get hurt and Chenle and Jisung are in the house. I need you to stay with them and call me if anything happens. Make sure you don't leave the house. I'll fill you in once we get there. Love you and I'm sorry."

Doyoung just starred at his love as he just nodded, whispering the faintest 'I love you too...' as the car drove away. Like he was told to do, he made his way back into the house, finding a Jisung wrapped in a towel with Chenle cuddling him.

"Boys...the rest went to the hospital cuz something came up. Johnny told us to stay here..." Jisung didn't move while Chenle just nodded his head. Sighing, Doyoung made his way as he sat down next to the two boys and they just sat there in silence, hoping for a phone call from the baby bunny's fiancé.


Johnny, Jeno and Jaemin made their way to the receptionist as the tallest of the three cleared his throat.

"We're here to collect the information about the discharged patient Huang Renjun who was in room.119."

The sound of papers being searched through was heard as the woman pulled out a folder.

"Here you go sir. You are Seo John right?"

Johnny nodded his head as a thank you before grabbing the file and going back to the car. He got in as he waited for the other two to get in but they weren't behind him. Realization hit him as he made his way back into the hospital as he headed straight to the room Renjun used to be in.

"What are you two doing here?" The voice of Johnny echoed in almost empty room.

"Hyung...I found this..." Jaemin held up a ziplock with a necklace and a dried up lavender.

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