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*Jeno's POV*

I'm sitting at the park near the university. My head hurts and I feel dizzy. I was going to walk back home but I really wasn't in my right mind so I thought I'd stay at the park. I managed to tell Jaemin where I was just so I don't end up getting lost or worrying the rest of the world. I've been sitting here for I don't know how long. I wasn't really looking forward to seeing a specific someone. Just... not yet. As cliche or cringe as it sounds, my heart really wants to see him but my brain's telling me it's gonna hurt. I don't know if I should hurt myself or fulfill my heart's wish.

It was quite a chilly night. I shivered as I hugged myself. It's only been three months... what are you doing to my heart?...

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I felt more roll down as I sobbed uncontrollably. No one was out here at this time though. Well... I guess no one really cares...

"I do Nono... I care... and whether you believe it or not, he cares. He cares about the both of us. I know."

I felt arms snake its way around my waist and soft kisses on my neck. Turning around I met the eyes of my boyfriend.

"Nana... is it okay? To love someone else when I love you? How are you fine with it? It's so stupid of me...I feel terrible...." I managed to speak but my voice cracked here and there.

"Nono. Lee Jeno. I love you and we talked about it. I love him too. It's okay. It really is. Look at Hendery, Xiaojun and Yangyang! These seem so happy! I wanna be like them too. I already am happy but I know with him, we both would feel more loved. We both love him. Come back to the dorm please? It's cold and I don't want you catching a cold even though I'm pretty sure I already would've."

I nodded my head as I stood up and took a clumsy step forward almost falling flat on the pavement if it wasn't for Jaemin pulling me back. I leaned onto him since my head was spinning.


"no... I kinda banged my head on that telephone pole by mistake when I was walking backwards.... please don't kill me......." I said, embarrassed as hell. It wasn't my fault the pole was placed there!!

"What the- you should've just said you drank cuz now you sound stupid. But my Nono is stupid and that's why I love you. Not literally cuz stupid guys are well..... stupid. Let's go!"

Jaemin dragged me as I followed, trippin, stumblin.

After a solid seven minutes of being dragged by my Nana, we reached the dorms. We stood in front of the room. Room No.127 the plaque read. Taking a deep breath in, I gently twisted open the door as I stepped in, taking my shoes  off as quietly as I could. Jaemin just followed along as we tip-toed to the hall with our mattresses.

I was waiting to be met with a sleeping beauty but instead the bed was empty. The blanket was messily thrown aside. My eyes were open wide as I ran to the kitchen hoping he way sleep walking, trying to cook again. Rushing in I was met with the cold dark kitchen and no angel. Maybe the bathroom I thought. Banging on the bathroom door, I barged in but no angel again... The room with the lavender door! I slammed open the door to our study hoping to see a sleeping baby but was met with the cold air from the open window. I felt my soul leave my body.

I was panicking. The tears poured down as I looked back at Jaemin who was pale.

"where is he...?" I said, my voice barely a whisper. I wiped at my eyes to stop the tears but it wasn't working.



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