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*Doyoung's POV*

I rolled over on my bed, hoping to bump on a hard chest and get cuddled but I was met with the cold emptiness as it has been like for the past week or more. I've lost count.

Rubbing my eyes, I sat up, trying to get my eyes used to the light. I looked beside me again, hoping to see a Johnny magically appear but I guess it doesn't work like that... shaking my head I walked out our bedroom to the hall to find Johnny sleeping, his head resting uncomfortably on the glass coffee table. Slapping my forehead I walked over to him as I shook him a bit, trying to get him to wake up and at least sleep properly but instead I was pulled down onto the sleeping giant's lap.

"Johnny-aaahh~~~" I let out a whine as I saw Johnny smile. Oh how much I missed that smile. It's been sooooo long since I saw that beautiful genuine smile. Seeing that, I cuddled him as I buried my face in his neck. I was straddling him and by now he was resting his back on the sofa behind him. I started leaving soft harmless kisses on his smooth skin as I trailed them up to his jaw. I faced him, realizing he still had his eyes closed. Thinking of a different tactic, I bent down, close to ears as I greeted him.

"Morning baby giant~" I whispered, my voice sounding deeper than I intended it too. I felt Johnny shiver when I said that. Realizing the effect I had on him I smirked as I gave him a sweet kiss on his cheek. Then one on his forehead. Then his nose, as I booped it, making him let out a cute giggle. That melted my heart but that wasn't what I was going for. Leaning down, I came close, both our faces barely a centimeter apart. My lips ghosting his.

"I love you" I uttered out as I smashed my lips against his soft plump ones as I didn't hold back. This. I missed this.

I lead the kiss since my baby giant was still half asleep. Pulling away for a second I smashed them back again, this time sucking on his lower lips as I heard Johnny let out a grunt as his hands that were secured on my waist pulled me down as I sat down right on his crotch. I heard him stifle a moan as I rubbed my own with his, making me let out a high-pitched moan. Right when things were gonna get way more heated I felt Johnny pick me up as he plopped me down on the sofa.

I sat there confused as to why he stopped. Did I do something wrong? cuz for all I know, he loved it just as much as I did. Like he could read my mind, Johnny leaned down to peck my forehead as he rested his forehead on mine.

"Baby not now. I'm stressed and I might hurt you. And just so you know, you did well but if this went on for longer I would've hurt you. There's so much going on and I don't want you to get in the middle of this mess...I love you baby bunny. Just remember that...I'm gonna go take a bath." He just said that as I saw him walk away to the bathroom.

I felt my emotions take over as tears were at the brim of my eyes. Suddenly a pair of strong arms picked me up as I clung onto the body for dear life. Realizing it was none other than my fiancé I calmed down but that didn't stop my tears as I sobbed.


In return I was just peppered with kisses all over my faces as I wiped at my tears.

"I love you too. Now you're gonna join the warm bath I prepared. I even got bath bombs. I have to work on that mess I mentioned, but I'd rather make you my beautiful mess first."

Saying that, Johnny settled me down as I stood there starring at him.

"You first mi amor~"

Chuckling at the gentleman like act, totally opposite to the demon he was in bed, I bowed down as I took my clothes off, sinking into the bath, the warm water relaxing my muscles. I then felt Johnny get in as he somehow positioned himself behind me as I laid my back on his chest. Letting out a relaxing breath I cuddled into his touch as he was holding me around the waist.

"Love you little bunny..."

"Love you baby giant..."


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