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*Renjun's POV*

I walked away as I followed the signs that led to my room. Room No. 127. Noice number!

I got out my keys as I twisted open the door and stepped in to find two pairs of shoes kept neatly to one side. Oh hell no! Roommate shit, here I come.

I walked in with my suitcase and looked around the house. Right when you walk in, you have a room. Then when you turn to your left, you see this pretty big living room. When you walk straight ahead, to your right side again, there were the bathroom and stuff. Then if you were facing the bathroom, to your left, there was a curtain separating the kitchen from the living room.

(this tests your sense of direction. Oop-)

I just gave myself half a minute to look at all this and spotted my roommates? on a bed in the corner, cuddling...That's enough people gazing! I mumbled to myself as I just ignored their presence and barged into the other room since I was NOT gonna talk to them. At least not yet. I slammed the door, as I rested my back on the lavender-painted door. Odd color, but it works. Letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding in, I sighed at how worked up I was right now.

Lemme tell you, being stressed has more cons than pros and THAT IS NOT OKAY!

The room was neat and simple. A boring square but most rooms are like that so I probably shouldn't be complaining. There was a mattress in the corner and a useful study table in the other corner and a window placed oddly in the middle of the wall... At least it has curtains...and windows are I guess, nice?
I kept my blue Moomin suitcase and heavy shoulder bag filled with my very important necessity to survive, electronics; next to the study table as I walked over to the mattress to lay on it cuz my shoulders and back were dying.

I took out my phone to call my very understanding parents to tell them I reached and that I'm in my room now, in one piece. Well... that's what I was gonna do, but my phone rang and that startled my dead soul out of me as it dropped from my hand, splat on my face as I cursed out loud.


I aggressively sat up holding onto my face when the phone rang again.

"Aaaarghh! WHO THE FU-" I yelled at the speaker not bothering to look at the caller id when a loudass "HELLo BitCh!-" was heard.

Realizing who it was I just sighed as I was gonna ask him what's up when a request interrupted my normal question.

"INJEoNniEeeee!!! Get your introverted existence to this LIT strip clubbbb!!! Wait imma send you the add-"



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