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*⚠️smut warning⚠️* if you is uncomfortable with stuff like this, skip this chapter dear friend. And yes. I broke that rule at the very beginning of the book where I said I'll be avoiding smut...*

*Narrator's POV*

It was a chilly day, a layer of snow outside, so thick, no one could get out their houses. But on the bright side, it was Christmas Eve!

"Stop taking all the blanket Jeno!" Renjun's annoyed voice was heard amongst the chattering from the TV and Jaemin munching on chips.

"It's Nana! I barely have anything! See!!"

And truth be told, Jaemin was the actual person who was taking all the blanket, too invested in the drama on the TV to care about what his two fiancés were quarreling on and on about.

'I loved you... but...——'

The TV was suddenly turned off by none other than Renjun, as Jaemin let out an exasperated gasp, clutching onto his heart, looking like he was gonna pass out.

"She dies in it, Nana. I already watched this." Renjun spoiled the scene as Jaemin was now visibly annoyed and pissed. Taking in a sharp breath and biting down on his lips, he tried calming down but it barely worked when he felt the cold air brush against his once warm legs.

They took the blanket...

Standing up and letting out a frustrated grunt with his fists clenched, Jaemin stomped over to their bedroom as he flopped his body on it, as he screamed into the pillow. Letting out his anger, he just laid there, his face still buried in the pillow. Every time he felt like he was suffocating, he'd come up to get a quick breath before returning to suffocating himself.

They had been having lesser and lesser time to bond with each other which explained their quite frequent quarrels.

Eventually, instead of the screaming of a pissed male, there were now soft snores coming from the room.

The door creaked open to reveal Jeno and Renjun peeking at their sleeping beauty.

Did the two feel bad? Yes. Definitely.

Did they know how they could payback? Also yes.

And that's exactly what the two were gonna do. Give their Nana what he wanted.


"Aah~ Jeno~~"

Soft moans were heard as the sound and movement of the bed creaking made Jaemin slowly flutter his eyes open.

In front of him were both his fiances in the middle of a heated make-out session. Renjun was sprawled on the bed in cute black cat ears, a short skirt that rode up due to the aggressive movement of a half-naked Jeno on top of him. Renjun was sweating, his hair sticking onto his forehead, as he had his head thrown back, his hands grabbing the bedsheets. With his perfectly curved and delicate-looking body, he looked beautiful as Jeno was working wonders on the boy's rose-pink buds, biting it and grazing his teeth on it, making Renjun let out a melodious moan.

The short male's pale skin was already littered with pretty purple and reddish marks that trailed from his neck to his collarbone and all the way down, right above the waistband of the skirt.

"Ngh~ st-stop~"

Hearing Renjun say that, Jeno was quick to obey as he stopped and hovered over the boy. He was in his ripped jeans that accented his muscular thighs and also the big hard bulge that needed attention urgently from the kitten under him.

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