~farewell note~

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Well well well....

This was the first time I've ever actually written something down and finished it...
It might not be great and stuff but if you've read this far, great job!

It was also my first time writing *cough* smut *cough* so..... haha....

I'm not sure if I'll be writing another story after this but I really loved writing this. It started off as just a random "I have the motivation, it's either I start now or never!"

so this is the outcome :)

hope you liked it! And any questions?? idk...

this is getting awkward... haha....

So... imma just push open that door and- nvm it's pull.... actually it's a slide.... *nervous awkward laughter* 

*slides open door*

*step(s) out (we are...Agi sAgiN)*

*tumbles down a staircase randomly placed right when you open the door*

*brakes spinal cord and is paralyzed from hip and below*


"I'm okie~~"

I'm in need of a friend. Actually, no. I'm in need of a sugar daddy. I need money....


Love y'all sooo much for taking your time in reading this piece of crap!


ANd for the last time....




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