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*Narrator's POV*

The extremely carefully calculated steps of a Renjun were heard as he clicked open the door of the guest room in the backyard then carefully closing it, trying not to make the bare minimum of noise.

After successfully locking the door and windows from the outside, he tip-toed back into the living room of the beach house. Walking in, he was met with the sleepy figures of his trusty friends.

"How's everyone doin! I have successfully locked the door with the two sleeping like babies. Let Mission 'bottom but basically a switch' commence!"

There were unenthusiastic nods as a few yawned but straightened (not really...) themselves when they saw Renjun walk out the kitchen with a carving knife.

"Hehe... let it commence indeed. Yay?" The confused and nervous voice of a Mark was heard as Renjun gave him a cute smile. Placing the knife on the counter, he skipped over to Doyoung, pulling him away from Johnny's grip as he passed him a mildly thick binder.

"You're the only one who seems awake. Vroom vroom away hyung~"

Shooting Renjun a look Doyoung opened the binder.

"So today we commence whatever the name of the mission was. Tasks. It's in couples so y'all better work. We have 3 hours before they start waking up and panicking..."

"Yes sir!" The happy voice of Johnny was heard, making everyone smile. (Everyone liked that.)

After assigning the tasks to each of them, everyone dragged themselves to the stuff they were assigned to do.


"Jaehyun-ah! Hold it a bit higher. To the left. No! To YOUR left. Little down aaaand pin it...perfect!"

"Just like my bubu~"

A blushing Taeyong and a cheeky Jaehyun were left to handle the decorations along with a dumpling and a bambi who were actually getting work done without much lovey-doveyness. 

Outside the house, at the beach, a Mark and Donghyuck were putting together a picnic like the ones on Pinterest. Except they weren't really doing that.

"Haech- woah!-"

Jisung frantically covered his eyes as he looked away, his face burning up.

"What is it Jisungie?" The calm voice of Haechan was heard but Jisung didn't dare move from his spot.

"I-I just came to uh.... plant my water! Yes yes... plant my water in the sand. Since it seems like I have no need to do so, I shall go plant some sand on the rocks over there! Haha.... byeee-" an awkward Jisung slowly waddled away from the scene he had walked in on, as he speed-walked back to the house, not turning back or even thinking of doing so.

"Ah! Sungie! How are they doing??" The sudden voice of Renjun startled the living hell out of Jisung as he jumped up and tripped over his feet, falling on someone who happened to behind him, spacing out.


"Oh my gawd! Baby dolphin!! I'm sooo sorry! I didn't mean to! I just got scared and was scarred awhile ago. Are you okay. I'm so so- mmhph-"

Shutting his rambling boyfriend up with a kiss, Chenle got up, pulling his ge away, leaving a lonely Jisung on the floor.

"Damn Lele... and WOW....." turning to face Chenle who had a proud smile on his face, Renjun had tears in his eyes as he hugged his best friend, crushing the bones that kept him on his feet.

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