07; An Asshole Boss

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Days turned into three weeks, Xiao Zhan had been working for his unknown boss, who never for once visited his home, which Xiao Zhan did not mind. It made it easier to follow the stupid rules. But anyway, there he was sitting in an office waiting patiently for the doctor with Zhuocheng who had dragged him to the hospital for a check up.
For the pass weeks, his condition had worsened and his vomiting had increased to a whole new level and his craving, Xiao Zhan had no words to describe them.

His palms felt sweaty as he waited patiently and soon, the female doctor arrived with a file in hand. She smiled at them as she took her seat behind her desk in front of them, placing the file  before her, she gave all her attention to her guests.

"Mr Xiao Zhan, what do you think is wrong with you" she asked him while beaming.

Xiao Zhan opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by Zhuocheng, who spoke first. "I think he's pregnant. There is no explanation for it" Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes at his friend. Zhuocheng and his big mouth.

The doctor sighed as she began. "With all the signs and test, everything proves that Mr Xiao is indeed pregnant" there, she broke the news to the two individuals. She turned to Zhuocheng. "Are you his husband?" She asked.

"No, am his friend" Zhuocheng answered with a light blush as he shifted his gaze away.

The doctor turned her gaze back to the main patient. "You should speak to your husband Mr Xiao. Your pregnancy is very fragile. Any reaction could lead to a painful miscarriage, especially this stage. I suggest you come back with your husband for a check up next month"


Quitely, Xiao Zhan walked along side Zhuocheng as they walked out from the hospital, his hands crossed over his chest, with a deep frown over his face. Being so deep in thought, he didn't notice when Zhuocheng suddenly stopped and he walked right into him, his hands immediately covered his flat stomach.

Zhuocheng chuckled. "Now that's what they call a mother's instinct"

Xiao Zhan glowered at Zhuocheng. " This isn't funny Cheng-Cheng. I could bearly feed myself and uncle, now there another mouth to feed"

Zhuocheng stood straight as his expression turned into a serious one. "You are not going through this alone, I will fill in every corner am needed but you need Mr Wang as well. After all, he is the father of this child."

Xiao Zhan suddenly felt his eyes watering. "You heard what the man said the other day. He will never accept this child. He called me a slut for fuck sake" he blinked away his tears. He had been a emotional rack for the pass weeks and Zhuocheng was at the receiving end of it.

Zhuocheng placed a comforting hand on Xiao Zhan's shoulder. "You wouldn't know unless you try. You heard what the doctor said. You need someone that would watch over you 24/7 and Mr Wang is the one for the position"

" He already has a girlfriend Cheng" Xiao Zhan shook his head. Reveling this to him would ruin his relationship with his girlfriend. Xiao Zhan would never be able to forgive himself if that happened.

"This is the life of his child we are talking about Xiao Zhan. He deserves to know. If he accepts or not, that's his own cup of tea. Come, let's go home" Zhuocheng assured him as he took Zhan by the wrist and dragged him with him.


A few days passed, Xiao Zhan found himself throwing up while working in his boss's home. It wasn't like anyone was there to see him. Rinsing his mouth with water, he stared at his reflection in the mirror. He brought his hand up to his tummy and softly carssed it, with a warm smile on his face. Never in his life did it ever cross his mind that he would conceive one day, that a life would be growing inside of him, his little one. "Baby, your papa would take good care of you. You're all that matters to me at this point"

Even though, his stomach was still flat, he was now wearing heavy sweaters to cover his secret. He wasn't ready to tell anyone, not even his uncle. How was he going to break the news to the old man...? Until the time comes, Xiao Zhan wasn't ready.

Clearing all thoughts from his head, he quickly walked out of the bathroom and walked down the hall, his foot steps swift but heavy.  Reaching the stairs, he was about to climb down but he suddenly tripped. He shut his eyes, waiting to fall down the stairs and hit the hard floor. After a few seconds, he felt nothing but a pair of warm hands that had snaked themselves around his waist, preventing him killing himself. Slowly, he opened his eyes, wanting to see his savior but he was only met with cold stone eyes of the last man he wanted to see on his list.

With a jerk, he pushed his savior away as he balanced weight and protectively wrapped his arms around his stomach. He threw a sharp glare towards the other man. "How did you get in here, did you break in. I will call the cops if you don't leave this instance"

Wang Yibo stared blankly at the other as he stood there, protecting his stomach. Did he have a wound there...? "What's the matter with your tummy and why are you wearing such heavy clothes in such a weather?"

If it was possible, Xiao Zhan's glare would have  pierced a hole in Wang Yibo's forehead. Luckily, that wasn't possible. "Mind your own business and get the fuck out!" he didn't know what was wrong with him but he suddenly felt like crying... again.

Wang Yibo crossed his arms over his bold chest as he tilted his head to the side. "Are you pregnant...?" He suddenly asked, shocking and scaring Xiao Zhan to the core.

Almost immediately, he let go of his stomach and stood straight. Awkwardly, he cleared his throat. "You are speaking gibberish. I do not know how the fuck you got in here but I suggest you leave"

Wang Yibo smirked. " When Tina told me that my house keeper was a male, I never expected it to be you. Is this how you're planning on paying back my money"

" Your house...?" Xiao Zhan's eyes widened as a realization hit him like lightening, he pointed at the other. "This is your house...!"

"This is my house, built on my land" with every word he spoke, he took a threatening step towards Xiao Zhan, who remained where he was, unmoving. "I am your boss. Now tell me, who is the father of your child. Is it Wang Zhuocheng, Chen Alan or someone else" now, he was hovering over the poor guy, cornering him against the wall as he placed both hands on the side of his head.

Xiao Zhan stared into those deadly eyes that held nothing but mischief and pure coldness. His expression might be blank but his eyes held a complete different story. For the first time since meeting the man, Xiao Zhan could see what he was feeling through his eyes. Anger, frustration, jealousy, lust...? Xiao Zhan was not completely sure now. Why would Wang Yibo feel lust and jealousy towards him. Maybe he was imagining things again. Being pregnant was doing things to him beyond doubt.

Xiao Zhan frowned as he slowly registrated what the other just said. Was that how low he thought of him, that he would go around sleeping with different men. Unable to control his emotions, he landed a slap on the other's cheek, shocking both of them. But Xiao Zhan recovered immediately and pushed Wang Yibo away from him, giving him breathing space.

Wang Yibo held the left side of his chin as he slowly rubbed, trying to stop the pain. This man might look fragile but his hits were painful... Wang Yibo admitted. He was shock was an understatement. No one, absolutely no one had ever dare to raise their hands on him but this person did. This fragile looking person just hit him and it freaking hurt. Did he have a dead wish because Wang Yibo was more than happy to full fill his wish.

"Do you wish to die today...?" he asked in a low and deadly tone, making the other gasp in fright as a fearful shiver ran down his cold spine.

Seemed like he just digged his own grave.

Next update coming soon, it keeps getting better.

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