50; Her Point of View

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"This is taking way too long" Wang Hua clasped her hands together, following the locale with avidness. How congenial. She giggled internally.

Wang Yibo unflinchingly stared at his once hobnobber directly into his eyes, trying to make out if this was one of those frivolous escapade they typically played at the last minute whenever their mission didn't go as planned but as he gazed intensively, he found nothing as he only saw lividity, contrition, execration and anguish.

Wang Yibo sighed inwardly as he realized how devitalizing this game was but he was determined to end it with or without Yuchen.

"Goodbye Wang Yibo!" He enunciated as he slowly pulled the trigger when halted his movements when a obstreperous voice ejaculated.

"STOP!!" A voice unanticipatedly exclaimed and they turned in a time as Xiao Zhan ran and stood beside Wang Yibo who feckly had an heart attack seeing the other person beside him. Instantaneously, he pulled Xiao Zhan behind him, shrouding him from any form of imperilment as he abruptly become sentient of the setting.

"How did you get here you idiot!!" Wang Yibo gritted through his teeth in a whisper.

Wang Hua crumped into titters at the scene before her as she stepped forward. "Oh, Xiao Zhan is here as well, isn't this galvanizing. Seems like I would be killing two birds with one stone. Hey darling, nice of you to join us" she waved at his direction with a wide smile.

"You evil being!!" Xiao Zhan cursed from behind Wang Yibo.

The woman chuckled as her shoulders vibrated along with her laughs. "You embryonic being, Xiao Zhan. How would you take care of your family business. Just pass it down to me willingly or I'll take it by force. I'll surely take care of it while you and your lover roll in your graves" she smirked.

"How could you be so cruel, you are so heartless!" Xiao Zhan spat not yet realizing the kind of danger he was under.

But how would he get out from her presence and all these men.

Suddenly, the rebellious look evanesce from her eyes and was replaced with misery and choler as her smiles dematerialized as well. She narked her hair. "You know nothing. None of you know how it felt back then being the amiss, blemished and paltry daughter. It had always been her, her and her. I despited her so much for gaining the attention of our parents with her synthetic smiles" she bursted out laughing as her pupils grew wider and larger as her vision turned red. "They pushed me, they made me who I am and I'm enjoying this feeling of dominance so much and you know what I did to them, I ended their miserable life with my own hands. I still remember their pained faces, their cries, their pleads for mercy but I pulled the trigget bang bang and they were lifeless!!" She winked.

"You killed Grandma and Grandpa?" Wang Yibo asked.

Something, anything to distract her as he needed a plan to get the person behind him out from this building. Of course, he knew she killed her own parents, her cruelty had no boundaries.

She bite her lips as she thought back to that blissful day, the day she ended her number one problem, the biggest and painful throb in her side, how she ended then with no emotions, voldless."of course I did, I had to. How could they hand over everything over to her and left me with nothing. I had to take them out, her and her entire family one by one" she again, ran her hand over her hair making it messy and scattered.

"What did my parents did to you huh?!" Xiao Zhan questioned raising his voice.

"Everything!!!" She suddenly screamed. "Everything about them was a pain in the chest. I just had to get rid of them and own everything they had but they managed to slip out from my hands and went behind my back!!"Suddenly her tone softened as she raised a finger. "But hey, your mom was once my best friend, my childhood friend but she stole the man I loved away from me knowing very well I liked him first but she never cared, she didn't care, then I met Mr Wang and everything changed. Slowly we entered their life's and destroyed them one by one but he didn't last long as he also stole someone else's lover"

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