33; Numb

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He stared, he blinked, he watched the white cell, he gulp but the rest of his body felt numb.

Anger, shock, denial, guilt, fear, he couldn't tell the extra emotion. His chest was clenched, his stomach felt tighten, his head ached, his head felt explosive but his body felt numb, his ears were dead to the world, the only thing visible in his world was that pale white wall, he blinked suddenly feeling his mouth dry, he felt nausea and a hollow feeling in the stomach.

Suddenly, everything stopped making sense.

He lost his little one, his ball of light and it was all his fault, Xiao Zhan suddenly laughed out, catching his treating nurse off guard as she jerked a bit but then he was back to the way he was, unfeeling, without sensation and unmoving, just numb.

Not too long, Zhucheng and Mr Xiao walked in through the door but Xiao Zhan was staring pass them, gazing at the white stainless walls.

Clean, too clean...!

"Oh my boy" Mr Xiao said as be advanced towards his nephew, standing beside his bed. "How is he?"

"The paitent is suffering from grief, shock and a little numbness from the brain, as of now he can't process anything physical but bereavement" the nurse explained writing something down. "He can recover with the help of loved ones but if it gets too worse, he would have to see a therapist. He will be discharged in a few days" the nurse bowed and walked out from the room.

"Xiao Zhan?" Mr Xiao called but got no response from the other person as the only thing he did was blink. "Xiao Zhan?" He called again but got not responses. The man sighed and and sat himself down on a chair. "Where is Wang Yibo?" He asked Zhucheng.

"He rushed out a few minutes ago" Zhucheng answered.

"Yibo" Xiao Zhan suddenly called softly, nearly above a whisper and then a single tear drop slipped out from his left eye. "Yibo..." He called again.

Zhucheng took his phone out and was about to beep the man when the door opened to reveal Wang Yibo who had changed out from his bloody clothes but a little lunch box in hand but his appearance didn't change, blank and stoic but his features softened when they landed on Xiao Zhan.

"Yibo" Xiao Zhan said and the tears that refused to fall bursted out from his eyes as his face was now soaked.

Wang Yibo immediately rushed forward, he placed the box on the table and went on the bed, he instantlyl put Xiao Zhan into his embrace and the depressed person wailed loudly.

"Am sorry!" he sobbed into the other person chest. "It was my fault!, my fault!. Our baby is gone, he's gone...!" He cried and Wang Yibo softly brushed his hair softly, whispering sweet nothings into his ears, trying to calm and soothe him down. The crying and soothing continued for a few more minutes before Xiao Zhan's body relaxed and he fell asleep in Wang Yibo's arms.

"You must be Wang Yibo, I never met you properly" Mr Xiao started and Wang Yibo turned to him and bowed a little after gently placing Xiao Zhan on the bed. "Am Xiao Ying, Xiao Zhan's uncle" he held his hand out for a handshake which Wang Yibo returned respectfully. "From the things I've heard about you, I never thought you were this soft with my nephew, no wonder they want him as he happens to be your weakness"

"I know you must be very disappointed in me, I didn't take care of Xiao Zhan enough based on the kind of man I am" Wang Yibo said.

"You are right, am disappointed but it isn't entirely your fault, Madam Hua is a cunning woman and anyone would fall for traps" Mr Xiao shook his head before standing on his feet. "Come meet me later, I think it's time we have a chat together. For now, am leaving my nephew in your hands, I want this to be the last time I would visit him in the hospital because of you, trust me you won't like me when am mad" he palmed Wang Yibo on the shoulder encouraging before walking out from the room, Zhucheng silently followed him.

Wang Yibo sighed turning his gaze back to Xiao Zhan with a determined face. "I will make all of them pay, it's time for action"


Slowly, his eyes fluttered and the first thing that came into sight was the pale white and bright ceiling, he nearly groaned out from the bright. He felt something weighty on his hand, slowly he shifted his gaze down to find Wang Yibo fast asleep with his hand holding unto Xiao Zhan's tightly. He gave a light visible smile, feeling his heart pounding and bouncing fast. Lifting up his other hand, he carefully stroke the sleeping one's hair tenderly and softly before taking his hand away and he went back to staring at the ceiling, he shut and opened his eyes, he inhaled and exhaled trying to process what he went through.

He lost his child and he killed a man and it was all because of one woman, a person who took pleasure in seeing other's mystery, Xiao Zhan taste for her blood. She had put him through so much, she had put all of them through so much.

Xiao Zhan yearned for her blood, he wanted her to feel as ten time worse than he did, than Wang Yibo did all those years, he wanted to hear her cries and screams of pleads, he wanted to enjoy as she enjoyed seeing him suffer, he wanted her head and he was going to get her head, she would pay for everything she had done to all those around her and Xiao Zhan would make sure of that.

She treated him like a game but he would show her how it's played.

Not long enough, Wang Yibo slowly awakened. "How long have you been up?"

"Enough to know you drool"

Hearing that, Wang Yibo immediately wiped his mouth but found nothing, Xiao Zhan would have laughed out if he hadn't been going through agnoy.

"How are you feeling, you want me to call a doctor"Wang Yibo rant, taking Xiao Zhan's hand into his, warming it up in case he felt cold.

"Souless but alive" he answered.

"Are you hungry, I will order some food, your favorite?" Wang Yibo tried to cheer him up by smiling widely but Xiao Zhan shook his head.

"Am not hungry" he answered without void. At that moment, if Wang Yibo was cold, Xiao Zhan was colder.


Two more days later, Xiao Zhan was discharged from the hospital. Wang Yibo held his waist and walked out from the hospital with Yuchen behind them. They got into the passenger seat while Yuchen went to the driver's side and soon, the car started moving.

"We are not heading towards the condo?" Xiao Zhan noticed the change of direction.

"We won't be staying there anymore, am taking you to my mansion" Wang Yibo answered and Xiao Zhan slowly placing his head on the other's shoulder, slowly shut his eyes and fell asleep.

He later woke up a few hours later in a very large master bedroom, completely different from the one he used to share with Wang Yibo. Xiao Zhan inhaled, scenting the smell of nature. He slowly got out from bed and walked towards the glass doors leading to a very wide balcony. He pushed them open and he smiled when the fresh breeze of nature caressed his cheeks, he went over to the edge that were fenced, he was now staring into the woods. Just the place he wished to spend the rest of his life with his family but sadly, his baby was gone and it would be difficult to conceive again.

"Xiao Zhan" he heard his name being called and he turned to find Wang Yibo coming in with a sliver tray, filled with all types of food. He placed it on a table and went over to Xiao Zhan.

The other person immediately wrapped his hands around his waist and rest his head against his chest. Wang Yibo sighed and stroked his hair. "It's going to be okay" he whispered.



Such a sad chapter, I really feel bad for Zhan.

That will be all for now, next chapter is already on its way, kindly ignore the errors.

Catch you guys later....!

Happy Reading...!

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